Winter Wonderland

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After leaving the little ice cream girl as an unconscious and steaming mess, Purifier went back to her room and quickly undressed, prepping herself for what was coming soon.

Purifier: A big festival that many people will be fighting in, and I get a front row seat? Now that's just Heavenly!

Jumping into the refurbished bed, and making sure that Mako was watching for any nearby threats, Purifier soon lulled into sleep, excited for what the day tomorrow will bring for her.


The fights will be good too...hopefully.

Ruby: So we need to just wait here for someone to come?

Weiss: Yes, the transfer students have already arrived, and the Headmaster said this person is important for security

Ruby and Weiss were waiting at the landing zone of Beacon, apparently for someone of importance to get there. While waiting, Weiss decided to check her scroll to see about news back in Atlas, seeing both the military at the festival and the Headmaster of Atlas Academy at Beacon.

Ruby: Do you know when their Bullhead is coming in?

Weiss: No, so we just have to wait




Ruby: I'm bored!

Weiss: That doesn't matter, we need to keep watch for them!

Ruby: But there's nothing to dooo! Why can't we just keep an eye out and when a bullhead comes in we greet them?!

Weiss: That's improper! We need to stay here until they arriv-

?: Yo!

Ruby saw Purifier coming, but stayed quiet when she saw her float behind Weiss. Weiss on the other hand has no reaction whatsoever.



Purifier: So! How're you two?

Ruby: We're doing fine, but we have to wait for a person to get here. Ozpin said they're important for security

Purifier: Ah, that was supposed to be me, so you can go enjoy yourselves now

Ruby, who finally let go of Weiss and let her drop to the floor, happily ran off towards the festivities.

Weiss: Ow...that dolt!

Purifier: Can you blame her? She's happy and just wants to enjoy life here, away from classes and homework

She picked Weiss up and dusted her off, patting her back to give her some encouragement.

Weiss: I know, but she's suppose to be our leader...

Purifier. And she will be, just give her time to grow


Weiss: Right...I suppose I should wait shouldn't I?

Purifier: Yes you should, and...uhh, am I seeing double right now?

Weiss raised an eyebrow, confused on what she meant.

Weiss: What does that mean?

Purifier: Over there, there's another you. Just more...mature

Weiss looked to where she was looking, and saw a large military aircraft unloading atlesian knights. However, at the front of the little battalion was a very familiar person.

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