The Calm Before

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A single step out of the portal, and she already felt like she was home...truly home.


Oh, and it was also the mass that slammed into her that helped solidify that.

"OOF!!" She slammed into the grass, instinctively wrapping her arms around the thing that launched at her. Looking down, she could only smile and gently rub their back, as she stood up slowly despite the resistance.

"Hey Cleanser, how've you been?"

"Don't 'hey Cleanser' me! You ran off with Dreamweaver yesterday!"

"How...did you figure that out?"

Another pair of footsteps approached, and Purifier turned her head to see her mother walking towards the two of them, with Hornet flanking her side. "She came personally and told us, that's how we figured it out."

"She told you all?! Dammit, and I was hoping I could just vanish for the day and not worry you all..."

"Day? Wasn't it months for you?"

"How do you...right, Dreamweaver."

Now standing up fully, Purifier pulled Cleanser off of her, setting her on the ground and stretching. "Well, it's good to be home is all I can say."

She looked around the base, seeing the place looking no different then the last time she was here. It's still incredibly odd that the amount of time she spent on Remnant was almost nothing compared to the time passed back home.

Looking to Hornet, she saw her grin, and already knew something was going to be said. "Alright, spill it Hornet, what are you about to say?"

"Oh nothing big, just...did you find a lover out there~?"

It was silent for a few moment, before Purifier sighed and just walked up to her, wrapping her in a hug. "I missed these antics..."

With that, the small group joined in with the hug, loving it out as they knew Purifier would have missed it. how Purifier came home.


Someone stepped out of the portal, and was met with a quiet living room. Her shining purple eyes looked around for any signs of people, yet finding none.

"Strange..." Z73 looked to the table, seeing a note simply laying there, and only now did she notice it was dark outside as well.

Picking up the note, she saw the neat hand writing and tied it directly to her elder sister Z23, who was the only of them she knew that had such a fancy spelling of "Z". Turning on the nearby lamp, she then began reading the note left for her.


Firstly, welcome home. We received a not so welcome visitor that gave us harrowing news about your mission, and as soon as you left I sped to write this for you. You would be back within a day or two she said, so if I return and see this note missing, I can believe her to be right.

If you're reading this and no one is around, we are all asleep as of now, and so, we can't be the ones to receive you on your return, as much as it saddens me. Instead, I hope you enjoy the treat me and the others baked for you and wash it down with a good glass of milk also left for you.

Other than that, I can happily put this down.

Welcome home sister.


"A treat huh?" She looked back up to the table, and with the light now there to help her see, she noticed the large plate filled to the brim with chocolate chip cookies, and a large glass of milk next to it.

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