One of Fire

283 15 21

"So...what now?"

With that (if you ask me) hype intro to the Act finished, our protagonists are now simply standing around outside the city, planning their next course of actions. It's obvious that the enemy must know they're there, but the only issue is that they don't know what they look like themselves.

From their position, they can see the citizens of the city, and every single one of them was a Siren, obviously. However...the things they were doing were confusing.

They acted exactly like humans from their worlds, and even how they did things down to what they were doing was the same. Some were on cell phones, some were walking and chatting, others were even lifting heavy objects like crates and other things to move and work.

That's the part that threw them off the most. A crate of goods, all the essentials for baking, was seemingly heavy for the Siren as they took it inside.

"Hey, you can lift that easy right?"

Purifier looked to Z73. "Of course I can, the issue is why they can't..."


"So who's gonna tell me that it's a bad idea to go in alone?"

""All of us"" Every person other than Purifier was giving her a flat stare.

"Hehe...I should have expected that..." She cleared her throat, and got her 'Business face' on.

"Look, this place is a city of Sirens right? If that's the case, wouldn't it be logical if I, the only actual Siren of us, go in and see if I can figure things out?"

"And risk being alone if one of these Origins find you?" Kurfürst was settling well as the pseudo-leader of the group, having the most experience in such a role and everyone listening to her, barring them occasional quip from Iowa.

"Hey, I'm not defenseless"

Purifier reached into her bosom, pulling out...a whistle?

"And...whats that suppose to do?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's a rape whistle!"


Akagi sighed and held her head. "She's as batshit as I thought..."

"Hey, it's a solid idea!"

"Yes, it is a solid idea." Iowa walked up to her, grabbing her head and turning her back towards the city, specifically towards the massive castle. "If that wasn't our issue."

Purifier rubbed her chin, as if she had a beard there to groom as she thought. The others could have sworn they saw a lightbulb appear above her head as she perked up.

"Why don't we travel in smaller groups? Cover more ground and still have backup around you?"


"That...could work." Akagi nodded to her idea, but Iowa rolled her eyes. "Still isn't an ideal solution."

"If you got any better ideas walking Fashion Statement, then let them be known." Purifier's sharp tongue bit deep into Iowa, who glared at the Siren.

A halberd stabbed into the Earth between them. "Now girls, don't go starting a fight when we need to be deciding on this now. Traveling as one large group is a good idea, but less ground will be traversed, and we may need to take longer than we would hope."

"Can someone remind me why we're even considering this?" The destroyer was looking more than annoyed at the bickering, before everyone blinked and realized what she said.

"Oh...I never said did I?" Purifier chuckled and rubbed her head, before eating dirt as Iowa grabbed her and slammed her face first into the floor. "Damn buffoon!"

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