Trust You'll Honor

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Iowa held her Swordspear tight as Kaulu smirked at her. She already knew she had the disadvantage, being caught in his reality, but she always had ways of fighting against an opponent like this.

When it comes to a warper of reality, there is two things you must keep in mind:

Don't get distracted and stay focused, the world can always change around you when you least expect it.

Use something to incapacitate the warper. Most warpers can only sustain their reality if they are stable, so electricity or hallucinations can bring you to the advantage.

Iowa: And electricity is my specialty

Her blade arced with the black lightning as Kaulu took a step back into the greenery, vanishing from sight.

Kaulu: You know, I'm considered one of the toughest Hawai'i has. I single handedly calmed the ocean currents with a punch. I killed several Gods without even looking!

She felt a presence behind her, but didn't bother to turn.

Kaulu:*whispers* What makes you think you'll be any different?

Iowa: Quite simple really...

Kaulu saw the dark aura grow around her, before exploding outwards in a huge explosion that sent him away.

Iowa: You aren't the only one who can affect reality Kaulu

He opened his eyes after having to shield them, and found that the lush day he had created turned to a starless night, lacking even the moon.

Kaulu: What the...

Iowa:*whispers* So how's it feel...

He jumped and turned around quickly, seeing Iowa standing there.

Iowa: To be on the opposite end for once?

Kaulu: Heh...I'll admit, you beat me there. But I'm not done yet!

He threw a punch at Iowa, who dodged out of the way from his sloppy attack. He would punch and kick at her, but it was always dodged.

She saw how he altered reality around his fists. If she let him hit her, it wouldn't be the force that hurts, but the reshaping of reality that would.

Iowa: You're skilled with your warping, far more so than I

Kaulu: Flattery will get you nowhere!

Iowa: Darling, I'm stating facts...and I see what you did to yourself too

She brushed aside his arm and stabbed at him with her Swordspear, which didn't pierce his flesh.

Iowa: You made yourself invulnerable

Kaulu: That's right! So lie down peacefully and I'll make sure your death is painless!

From under her, he made a large torrent of earthen spikes that jutted up to stab Iowa. She jumped into the air and blasted them to bits with a crystal spear before touching down again.

Iowa: You're a trickster, so that clever use of sloppy martial arts was a trap to lull me in. Your invulnerability would get me where you want me

Kaulu:...Okay you are a bit to analytical, how did you figure that out?!

Iowa: I once had to masquerade as a Commander. I know bullshit when I see it

Black lightning arced across her blade as she pointed it at Kaulu. Her face grew stone cold as Kaulu started to sweat a bit at how serious she looked.

Iowa: But we all have a weakness to exploit, and I know yours

Kaulu: O-oh yeah? Then come at me!

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