General Genocide

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Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Phase 1) - Kurfürst theme

The declaration was met with a hiss, as RAAM raised his hand and pointed at her, the Kryll surrounding him. "Serve the Queen!"

He put a boot to the railing, hopping over as it bent underneath his weight. The Kryll surrounded his figure, while he pulled up his personal weapon: A Handheld and modified Troika gun.

'Oooh~, I'll take that." She smiled at the weapon, but she instead closed her eyes and took a deep breath, opening them with the same glare she gave him before.

"Let us begin RAAM!"

She bolted forward, running heavy set into the gunfire of the Troika, knowing it was far safer to rush him down then to stay a distance. RAAM could see she knew, and he quickly put his gun down, drawing his large knife, comparable to a long sword in size, and prepared himself.

The Kryll surrounding him dove down on Kurfürst, pecking at her and achieving nothing, just as their peers in the past. She only had a small box in between her and RAAM, and a jump sailed her over top, with her Halberd held high and ready to swing down.

RAAM stepped out of the way, the Halberd slamming into the floor before she ripped it out, parrying a stab from RAAM's knife. The Locust soldier was stronger than she originally expected, possibly on par with a Berserker with how powerful the blow behind the blade was.

'A foe larger than me, with the strength of a beast that can cripple my are a worthy adversary!' She reversed her right hand's grip, holding the shaft in front of her as she parried another strike from RAAM's dagger, taking the opportunity to slam her Halberd's butt end into his chest.

He briefly staggered, opening a window for Kurfürst to slash with her axe, which he back stepped from. "You are agile despite your size RAAM! You are truly a formidable foe!"

"Hmmm..." His grunt beckoned no response, and Kurfürst stepped up with large and wide swings that would have cleaved RAAM in half had it landed.

His own strength, and a little bit of momentum, saved him from being bisected, and he gained distance by kicking her chest. He took full advantage of her stance after the two swings, and she briefly recoiled.

His dagger plunged forward, aiming for her face, and she only gave him a smile as it rushed forth. Her hand shot up and caught his own, the dagger mere inches from her eye. "Let's not get hasty..."

He may be powerful, but brute forcing against her was beyond his capability. She pushed his arm back, raising the appendage as she twirled her Halberd around and smashed him with the blunt end of the weapon, launching him away and tumbling over a box.

As she approached, he stood up, holding his chest where the armor bent inwards on itself, most likely harboring a cracked rib or two. "Tough indeed..."

He hissed and kicked the box, sending it flying towards her. She did nothing and swung at the box, blasting some of it to splinters while the rest soared off the train.

Now there was nothing in their way, and the two rushed towards each other, RAAM brandishing his dagger with the tip pointed towards her, and Kurfürst responding with her Halberd. They met in the middle, the unfortunate case for RAAM being that, despite his size, her Halberd was still longer than his dagger.

The spear tip stabbed into his abdomen, making him roar in pain as Kurfürst continued onwards, halting all movements soon after and kicking him off her weapon. He held the new hole in his stomach, looking at Kurfürst with anger and hatred.

She said nothing, instead holding her Halberd with a tight grip and slowly marching forward. RAAM decided it was smart to keep distance, and quickly sheathed his dagger and pulled out his gun.

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