Graduation Reunification

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Dohl: Dedicate your Hearts!

It was just past sundown, and the many trainees that passed were lined up in the formal salute that was ingrained in them since day one. Akagi stood at the front row and to the left, with several others lined up next to her, including her bunkmates.

Dohl: Now today, you all have passed your training. In front of me are many men and women ready and able to serve the Walls as her sword and her shield!

His speech was one that truly seemed to come from his heart, especially with the smile that was on his face beaming with pride.

Dohl: Today, you trainees are given a choice for where you want your services to be applied...

The Garrison, for defending the Walls against the Titans and keeping order within the cities.

The Survey Corp, who risk their lives to go out and attack the Titans on their home turf.

The Military Police, where you'll serve the King, lead the people of the Walls, and protect the order of the citizens

Dohl: However, the Military police is only available to our top ten graduates, so for those out of that small listing, pick your choices between the Survey Corp and Garrison!

The many graduates looked at the Top 10 members, who all stood at the front of the lines tall and proud as they showed their hard work and dedication.

Of course, at number one of the hundreds of graduates that came, was the infamous Akagi Setogaya, who was so good at what she does, she didn't seem human. They never figured out in their months of training that their claims were actually true.

Dohl: With that, you're all dismissed for dinner. Feast like the King himself tonight, you all earned it!

"Yes Sir!"

Xena: Puaah~, Xena stuffed!

Hillu: I had no idea soup could be this good...what kind of recipe did they use?!

Akagi and her bunkmates all sat at a table, enjoying what was their last meal of their training days, now that they all graduated and went into the military fully now.

Dana: By the way Akagi, I really have to thank you for all the help. The way you move was so awe inspiring, and I'm glad you taught us to be better too!

Akagi: We all worked together and lived together, of course I would help out in some ways

She quickly downed her soup, all in a single breath and letting out a content sigh afterwards. Everyone else was staring at her as she did too.

Akagi: What?

Raychell: I still can't get over that ridiculous appetite of yours, it's almost like you never feel full

(Hermit): She isn't wrong, I'm surprised you haven't gotten fat yet with how much you can scarf down

Akagi: (Shut it Hermit, and you know why)

(Empress): Cause you're both a shipgirl and Siren, so calories are a great way of refreshing energy. Also, don't you give some of the energy to Strength?

(Strength): She does, it's how she keeps the speed high on the wheels

Greta: Akagi? Are you okay?

Akagi: Hm? Sorry, I spaced out a bit. I'm just surprised that these months flew by so quickly

Greta: I know, it's insane to think we're all soldiers now. I'm planning on going to the Military police though

Dana: We all made Top 10, I think it's obvious we'll all go to them

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