Fade to Gold(+18)

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Hornet was leaning against the door, with her heart pounding fast and sweat coating her face. The slamming of the door she was leaning on was obvious, and when you looked closely, you could see she was leaning to prevent it from opening.

Hornet: She warned me, she literally warned me! But did I listen? Noooo, you just HAD to do something stupid! Now look at this!

The wood of the door splintered, making Hornet scream in fear as a pale white hand broke through the door. She tried to push or keep it away, but it was no use as the person behind the arm was far stronger than her.

?: There ain't no running Horny Lady~

Hornet: Can you not with that nickname?!

?: But it's the truth...

The arm came back from the door, and Hornet looked through and saw a bright yet pale golden eye staring back.

Purifier: That's what you'll be when I get in there!

Another hole appeared, and from it her left hand shot through and gripped the door, breaking the wood. With a fierce rip, she tore the door off it's hinges, staring down the cowering carrier with her bright glowing orbs.

Purifier: You just had to do it didn't you? Push your luck to the brink and see where it leads...

She dropped the door and slowly stalked inside, while Hornet's face both paled in fear and heated up since she knew what was about to happen.

Purifier: Now where did all that luck lead you? Trapped in a room with only one way out, and that way out is sealed off

She made sure of that, as her rigging put up a thick energy shield. Purifier's lustful grin grew larger as she started to strip down from her already loose clothing.

Hornet just watched as the woman she always messed around with, the woman who always tried her best to get out of her scandalous pranks, started to strip down in front of her. What's worse is that she knows this isn't a joke...

She did spike her with chocolate after all.

Hornet: A-any chance I can get out of this? You know, like a get out of jail free card?

Purifier: Nope! Just you~and~me~

In the split moment Hornet tried to run, Purifier was already over her and had pinned her arms to the wall behind her, keeping her up against the wall. Purifier was flying to suspend Hornet off the ground as she did this, and made sure resistance was much harder to do.

Hornet: H-hey! I didn't consen-Mmh?!

Purifier shut her up as she kissed her. She still had her arms locked, but they were to her sides as Purifier pushed up against Hornet, who was still trying to prevent the inescapable.

When they separated, a thin trail of saliva was linked between the two, and Hornet also gained a small bit of lust in her stare.

Purifier: You're the one who got me in this mess, so you're gonna get me out of it...right Hornet~?

Hornet: I-I don't know if I should respond...

Purifier: It's a simple yes or no...will you take responsibility for what you did to me? Or do I need to do something we'll both regret?


Hornet: Do it..

Purifier: Hehehehe...good

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