Teetering on the Edge

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The wind whipped past her as she fell, but she paid no mind to anything around her, not even the walls of the hole she continuously hit on her descent. Kurfürst's teeth were grit, and her eyes were closed as she held her hands to her head, the fumes reacting terribly with her body.

She felt her veins catch fire, they were literally glowing yellow in the dark of the borehole after all. Her hands and legs twitched and spasmed, and she could do nothing but writhe in agony.

Soon, the hole gave way to light, and an open cavern where several other drop pods fell in. She fell into the ground next to one such pod, still twitching and moving around as her body refused to listen to her.

Her hand dug into the ground, tearing it up as her veins glowed yellow and drove in towards her heart before her arteries brought the yellow light back out to her appendages. A growl came from her throat, and her eyes snapped open.

In place of her heterochromatic glowing pink and cool blue eyes, dark purple orbs stared out to the world around her. Her body began to shake as the yellow glow receded back into her body, and her eyes faded back to normal as she stilled, breathing heavily.

She laid there for a few moments, before her fist raised up and slammed into the ground, creating fault cracks for dozens of feet around her and shaking the cavern from the energy that momentarily built within her being forced out to the surrounding caves. "FUCK!!...fuck..."

Her anger quelled well before she went over the edge, she slowly stood to her feet, shakily standing on her two feet before looking at her surroundings. Her weapons lay next to her, unharmed from the fall(somehow the gun wasn't harmed either) and ready to be used.

Collecting her tools of war, she realized that there was...something off about things right now. She felt like she can see other things down there, deep in the caverns...more "know" they're there instead of actually seeing them.

'What the hell did that bastard do to me?"

She shook her head, ignoring that strange new feeling, and instead starting to travel down the pathway that was in front of her. The cavern was large and open, but somewhere down here was Marcus, Dom, Baird, Cole, Ben, Tai, and many, many more.

She had the Troika holstered, holding the Halberd in her main hand while cradling her lead in her left. The migraine returned full force, and she felt absolutely miserable right now thanks to it.

Them an ear piercing roar blew out from nearby, making her groan loudly and cover her ears as best she could before looking over and seeing a Wretch screaming down at her. She growled at it and jumped, kicking the little bastard off the side and into the great abyss below

"Fucking bastard..." She continued down the path, going up a natural bridge that passed over the side of the pod and out towards a small underhang filled with vines and debris.

Also, she noticed bullets flying out of it, and before she knew it her body was already sprinting towards the gunfire, ready to assist. With a leap, she jumped high up and grabbed one of the nearby walls by digging into it, and she looked down from her vantage point at the Locust swarming towards Marcus, Dom, and Ben.

The mere sight of all of them...was aggravating. She growled before shaking her head, the migraine setting back in at greater intensity then before.

Her anger was glaring again, and she really needed something to hit, something to vent on. She was feeling the primal fury build up in her once more, and she needed to release it before things got ugly.

She put the Halberd away, and shakily raised a hand to her head as she connected to their radios. "Boys...I want you all to put your heads down, and not peak over no matter what."

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