Esidisi's Revenge

305 23 8

Perfect Cell Theme - Z73 Theme 1

Z73, with her body taken by Esidisi, stood opposite of the four other people in the hallway, all of them ready to attack her if she dares to move. She had an unnerving smile seemingly glued to her face, as her veins pulsed and throbbed under Esidisi's control.

"First you gave me that ring, then you kill Loggins, and now you take her body! When will you just give up Esidisi?!" Joseph's arms crackled with Hamon, while Z73 laughed.

"To give up is to admit my defeat. I'll never submit to my failures until I die!" She smiled wickedly at them, as Caesar jumped forward with his arms crossed. "Unhand her Esidisi!"

He launched his Hamon bubble launcher, but she weaved nimbly through the bubbles without a single one touching her. "A good try, but a failure all the same!"

"Caesar, Jojo, this will be dangerous, but we have the advantage! Sirocco's body is a Hamon magnet, just one good blast of Hamon and victory will be assured!" Lisa Lisa put up her hands, readying herself for unarmed combat.

Z73's eyes twitched, like a chameleon's eyes that dart everywhere. One of her eyes was locked on Joseph while the other was locked onto Caesar.

"Caesar! Let's go!"


The two ran forward together, Joseph pulling his clackers out while Caesar readied his bubbles again. "We'll force you out of her Esidisi!"

"You can try Jojo!" She jumped onto the ceiling, veins shooting out from her legs and she stuck to the ceiling, before launching forward in a kick.

Caesar narrowly dodged out of the way, the wall behind him getting a foot through it as she smashed it. "J-Jojo! It'll take only one hit from her to kill either of us!"

"So this whole fight is a one shot huh? That makes this so much worse!" Breathing deep, he filled his body with Hamon before taking point, approaching Z73 carefully as he swung the clackers.

"Take this Esidisi! Hamon Clacker Volley!" He linked the clackers together with the string, extended the range of the weapon as he tried to hit Z73.

She evaded every attack, and once it flew right over her when she limbo'd, she put her hands to the ground and kicked upwards. Joseph barely avoided the attack, getting a glancing blow that scraped the skin on his cheek.

"You won't be hitting me with elementary attacks!" She flipped backwards, as her jacket ruffled before veins sprouted out form underneath it. "Let's see how you enjoy a helping of my boiling blood!"

The veins flicked blood everywhere, Joseph being close enough where he had to use the clackers like a shield to ward off the liquid. Caesar shot more Hamon bubbles, but they were cut apart whenever they were touched by the blood.

"Damn! How are we suppose to give her a blast of Hamon if we can't get close?!" Regrouping with Caesar, the two had a short standoff with Z73, before she tilted her head and smirked.

"Jojo...I should thank you for this honestly."


The veins retracted into her body, as the black marks from the heated blood inside of her also receded. "Were it not for you and your 'victory' against me, this wouldn't have been so easy."

Stumbling back into her room, Z73 collapsed onto the bed, laying flat as she just breathed deep. "I'm use to all nighters, but doing so while fighting is just taxing..."

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