Time as Twins

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Mary: Ah, your face is so familiar, yet so different

Kalypso: Aha...yeah, there's a reason for that

Kalypso was sitting in front of Mary, who was gently touching her face to put her to memory. Iowa has been gone for a bit now, and it was just Kalypso and Mary inside of the church and relaxing.

Oh, and Kuroka, who was sitting in the corner and staring at Kalypso, wondering what happened to Iowa, and why there was a fake at the church with them.

Mary: Miss Kalypso, where is the Goddess?

Kalypso: The Goddess? You mean Iowa?

Mary: Yes, she hasn't come back to the church yet

Kalypso: How can you tell that?

Mary: I cannot feel her presence anywhere nearby

Kalypso raised an eyebrow at her words. She knew the girl was blind, so her being able to sense? How would she?


Kalypso: You have a hand in this Kuroka?

Kuroka: I gave her a small Senjutsu boon. It helps her realize the world around her, but not much else until she trains with it

Kalypso: Hmm...

She looked back to Mary, gently taking her hand in her own.

Kalypso: Tell me Mary, what is Iowa to you?

Mary: She...has taken me from my home. She tore me from Heaven and forced upon me the truth of reality

Kalypso: The Abyss...

Mary: Yes...but she cradled me as she did, even when she took me and put me into that biting cold of nothing, she held me close as a mother would her crying child

Mary had a small smile as she held her hands together in a prayer.

Mary: I had never felt so happy and relieved in my life. With Heaven's truth and how I was severed from it, not by her, but from Heaven itself...I faithfully followed Iowa, as she welcomed me when the only thing I knew pushed me out and cast me into this cruel and dark world


Kalypso: That's...quite the speech

Mary: Was it? I'm sure it wasn't a speech...

Kuroka: It was rather touching, but with how she seemed to kidnap you, I don't know if she's a truly good person

Kalypso: She's not, she had done plenty of bad in her days, but it's what makes her seem...real

Kuroka: Hm?

Kalypso fully turned to Kuroka, facing her while Mary silently listened.

Kalypso: She has done a lot of wrong in the past, and that wrong has never been corrected. The best she can do for that is to suck up her mistakes and learn from them, and she did just that...she's who she is today because-

?: I learned from my fuckups and atoned as best I could

Mary was the first to turn, then the other two as Iowa stride in from the front door, with Ophis' body nowhere to be seen. Mary smiled as she saw the only one she truly can see again, while Kuroka seemed a bit reserved still, especially after the events that just transpired.

Kalypso: Welcome back, where's the naive one's body?

Iowa: I dealt with it, Ophis won't be a problem to us anymore, nor anyone else

She then turned to Kuroka, who recoiled a bit under stare.

Iowa: So where did you run off too? I'm sure you did go somewhere safe?

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