Siren of the Seasons

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Purifier: beeped?!

She was staring at the small disk, silently wondering just how she had missed the Siphon's location if it was nearby this whole time.


Qrow: Hey, you okay?

She blinked, before turning to Qrow and giving him a shaky smile.

Purifier: I-it's nothing, let's just get to Ozpin okay? I have a question to ask of him

He was going to pry, but thought better of it seeing the emotion that hid just behind her eyes. Whatever she found out from that disk, it was obviously something personal.

They both walked on towards the tower, passing by Winter and Weiss, who had been stopped by Ruby simply to introduce herself to the specialist.

Qrow: Ah...saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. Guess you really did show up

Winter: Qrow...I'm standing right before you

They weren't even that far apart, but he squinted and looked dead at her.

Qrow:...So it would seem

Winter: You realize you have no real reason to be speaking to me don't you?

Qrow: Wooah...I thought that pretty face would let anyone have the first words?

Winter:*angered* I don't have time for your immature games

Weiss: Wait, you know each other?

Qrow: Jeez, you Atlas specialists think you're so special don't you?

Winter: It's in the title

Qrow: Well you know what you really are? A bunch of sellouts...

While they were talking, Ruby sat to the side and noticed the slow yet incredibly deep rooted anger building on Purifier's face, making her take a few steps back as if she was in the splash zone of it.

Qrow:...Just like your boss

Winter: I'm not sure what you think your implying, but I've heard enough

Qrow: Oh I've heard too. I've heard old Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin

Purifier: Yeah...and you wanna know what I've heard?

They both turned to the short girl, almost immediately flinching and feeling weaker under the burning gaze in her eyes.

Qrow: W-what exactly?


Her rigging revealed itself in full display, catching many off guard, including both targets of her anger. Mako shot out tether wires that were both dodged by the two.

Qrow: Hey, what's gotten into you so suddenly?!

Purifier: We have a meeting to go to! So get together, kiss and make up, cause we need to get going! Ozpin needs to answer a few questions of mine before I rip something apart!

Winter: While I would normally be siding with that, you just attempted assault on an Atl-

Purifier: Shut the hell up Freezy Pop!

She silenced Winter immediately, who decided against speaking when she saw the many cannons aimed right at her.



Purifier: We're going to this meeting now. No interruptions

Qrow quickly walked away, having faced a woman's wrath before and not wanting to face it again. Purifier soon followed, desummoning her rigging and following after her.

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