The Start of Grand Journeys

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Dreamweaver: Now that you're all gathered, it's time I tell you about why I had Alpha bring you all here

The 5 women sat in silence as Dreamweaver took a deep breath.

Dreamweaver: There's a bit of a problem with our compatriots, and I'm told that we need help in order to...replace, the current Siren Monarch

Kurfürst: Do you mean Arbiter III?

Dreamweaver: No, she rules over each world, while we Dreamweavers, or shall I say Arbiter II's, watch over a cluster of worlds

She put a small disk on the table, which displayed a hologram of 5 bubbles.

Dreamweaver: My cluster is the one that involves all of you girls. This one is also one of the most problematic, as the worlds are constantly going out of our predestined approach and require new strategies to hold back


Akagi: And that means?

Dreamweaver: It means that I was told to kill you all, but that's not what I want to do, nor is it what I ever plan to do. Besides, you all could kill me pretty quickly

She dispelled the aggression near instantly. Following that by clicking the disk again and showing a large building.

Dreamweaver: This building here is an important structure to all Sirens. It's on our home world and is known as the Arcana

Purifier: Arcana? Why is it called that?

Dreamweaver: I'm not entirely sure myse-

Akagi: Tarot cards

They looked at Akagi, who was smiling.

Akagi: It's named after the Major Arcana of the tarot cards

Z73: Huh...if that's the case, does that mean you copied our cards, or did we copy you?


Kurfürst: I...think it's best we don't dwell on that

Dreamweaver: Agreed, especially since we have to get moving soon

She stood up, beckoning the others to do so as well.

Dreamweaver: There is a faction of Sirens that are attempting a revolt against our current monarch, who is known as Arbiter I: Goddess

Iowa: Goddess? That's not a Tarot card

Dreamweaver: Just because a few are named after it doesn't mean all of us are

Akagi: No no, she's got a point. Every instance of Arbiter that I met has been tied to a card, and she's an exception...meaning either she changed her name or something else is at play

Dreamweaver: Whatever it may be, I asked for your help to deal a major blow to her, thus allowing the "loyalists" as they call themselves to gain an upper hand

Iowa: Loyalists? Why would they be against her then?

Dreamweaver presses a button on the wall, taking them deeper into the facility.

Dreamweaver: They are not loyal to her, but instead are faithful to the old monarch, who was brutally murdered by Arbiter I

Purifier: Murdered?! How did that happen?!

Dreamweaver: We don't know, but what we do know is that we have a way to bring her back. Her wisdom cube isn't shattered, but is instead contained by Arbiter I

Kurfürst: That's...odd. Why wouldn't she just end her?

Dreamweaver: No one knows but her...we're here

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