The World in a Grain of Sand

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Alpha: Uhh...

She looked around the room, not spotting anybody nearby.

Alpha: Where the hell...

Stepping fully out of the portal, Alpha looked at both the room she was in and the portal she came from.

Alpha: I could have sworn I jumped to Akagi, did she do something to change it?


She walked to the door, opening it and finding herself standing just outside the house's living room. She didn't see anyone, so she stepped inside and still didn't hear anybody.

Alpha: Are they asleep? I could tell it's night time right now


She snapped to the chair near the fire, as she heard a paper being ruffled from it. She saw someone sitting there, and the big brown fox ears easily gave away who it was.

Alpha: A...Akag-

?: To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour.

The words rolled off the woman's tongue as easily as silk, and her both alluring and soothing voice relieved Alpha of her stress from the journey.

?: A Robin Red breast in a Cage,
Puts all Heaven in a Rage,
A Dove house filld with Doves & Pigeons,
Shudders Hell thr' all its regions.

Each second Alpha spent listening to her words, she felt more of her own mind slowly slip into bliss as she relaxed.

?: A dog starvd at his Masters Gate,
Predicts the ruin of the State,
A Horse misusd upon the Road,
Calls to Heaven for Human blood.

Alpha: What...what is this?...Each word sounds like honey, so smooth and filled with energy...

She unconsciously sat back on the chair, which was placed there by a tan haired woman who was hiding in the darkness.

?: Each outcry of the hunted Hare,
A fibre from the Brain does tear,
A Skylark wounded in the wing,
A Cherubim does cease to sing.


The woman smiled, rolling something around in her mouth as she closed the book, snapping Alpha from her dream like state.

?: The Game Cock clipd & armd for fight,
Does the Rising Sun affright,
Every Wolfs & Lions howl,
Raises from Hell...

She stood up and turned to Alpha, putting the book on a table while pulling the lollipop from her mouth.

She stood up and turned to Alpha, putting the book on a table while pulling the lollipop from her mouth

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IJN Akagi

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