Hostile Takeover

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'Nice girl, and she's just my type too! Bubbly, blonde, and really good looking to boot!' Joseph casually walked down the halls, falling into his perverse teenage thoughts after meeting Susie Q partway.

It was funny at first as she didn't recognize him, seeing as every time she saw him he had the air mask on. The misconception cleared quickly and the two split ways on a very good note.

'I made her blush! Score to Joseph Joestar!'

Walking up the spiral staircase, he waited outside of Lisa Lisa's room, as Suzie Q told him she wanted to see both him and Caesar once dawn struck. The walk up was quite easy, but now all he could do was wait outside her room until she calls him in.


"Hm? What's Sirocco doing?"

He saw the little woman down at the docks, handing off a small package to a mail delivery service, who arrived by boat to transport the mail to and from. The package had Lisa Lisa's crest on it, and as the man sailed away, she waved him off before going back inside.

"Must've been something to send home...wait, does she have people at home?...DOES SHE HAVE A HOME?!"

"Jojo, what's with the screaming?" Caesar came up the stairs, having been told the same thing by Suzie Q as he passed by.

"Caesar! Do you think Sirocco has an actual home to return too?

"I...that's...actually a good question." He cupped his chin as he thought. "She said it herself she was an experiment, so does that mean she's always been on the move?"

"Geez, if that's the case, I'm forcing her to live with me and Granny Erina! She's a good friend of mine, and I won't allow her to simply sit on the sidewalk!"

Caesar sighed, but smiled as Joseph showed his kindred side once again to those he considers friends and family. They had small talk, usually back and forth banter, until they heard the door behind them open.

"Jojo, Caesar, come in, we have much to discuss." Lisa Lisa was dressed in a red dress, and she had no noticeable change in her expression.

The boys complied and walked inside, ready to speak with Lisa Lisa as she went over to the table next to her bath, pulling up the...

Lisa Lisa gasped, and the two boys quickly ran over to see what was wrong. "Lisa Lisa! Did you hurt yourself?!"

"The stone! I left it right there!"

Joseph looked down to the table, seeing small bits of green slime resting there, and the complete lack of any Red stone present.

Lisa Lisa steeled herself quickly, gritting her teeth. "Find the stone quickly! It can't be allowed to leave the island!"

Suzie Q was humming a tune as she walked down the hallway. Carrying the other white dress that Lisa Lisa rejected in favor of the red one.

As she walked, she saw another good friend of her's turn down the end of the hall. "Miriam!"

"Hm? Hello Suzie." The woman gave her a small smile as Suzie Q walked up to her. "It's a wonderful morning isn't it?"

"Yes, it's quite windy too, perfect for drying the clothes."

"Mhm! Oh I can't wait to see the results of the two boys training! I bet you they'll be masters of Hamon just like Miss Lisa Lisa!"

Miriam seemed to be calculating something, before she blinked and shifted the small basket in her arms. "No, I believe they'll surpass her. That Joseph boy especially is quite talented at what he does."

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