...And My Rage for All

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The crowds were cheering wildly, and people were excited for what was to come. The events of the previous day were still fresh on everybody's mind, but it wasn't a time to mope, it was time to cheer and celebrate for students who trained hard to win!

Stepping into the arena, Penny and Phyrra stood roughly 10 steps from each other, with Penny looking as cheery as ever and Phyrra ready to fight.

Penny: Sal-u-tations Phyrra Nikos! It's an honor to finally meet you!

Phyrra: It's a pleasure to meet you too

She was looking ahead, her emerald eyes gleaming and ready for a fight.

Penny: This is going to be so much fun!

Phyrra: I'll admit, this will be quite an experience

Purifier looked overhead, watching the fight closely. With Phyrra being the second candidate for the Maiden powers, she's obviously a target for not just Ozpin, but Cinder's tinderbox too.

Purifier: Whatever's happening, I got to keep an eye out for problems

Soon enough, the bell sounded, and the two squared off. Penny shot swords out from her back and controlled them through what seemed to be telekinesis, while Phyrra deflected and charged at her, taking her to close combat. Penny's blades danced around them both while Phyrra worked to attack her and protect herself at the same time.

Ruby was kicked hard in the gut, getting launched back down the hall while Mercury stood there, guarding the only exit.

She pulled out her scroll, looking to call for help.

Ruby: Come on, please pick up Purifier!

The scroll was shot from her hand, landing a distance away and shattered beyond use. Mercury's leg was raised up and smoking, showing they were also guns.

Mercury: Let's just keep this between us friends...

Ruby stood up, holding her scythe and gripping it tight. If he wasn't going to let her through, she would have to force her way through!

Purifier: Hm?

She felt a call come in, but it quickly silenced itself, confusing her.

Purifier: A call? Who would call at this time?

She checked who the ID belonged too, finding it was Ruby's phone that called her.

Purifier: I'll try calling back, see if anything's wrong




No one picked up

Purifier: Okay, something's up...

She looked back down to the game, watching as Phyrra seemed a bit out of it, like she wasn't seeing things right. Purifier knew that was a problem, but the next issue was finding that damn mint in the huge ass crowd.

But now Ruby is in trouble, at least she believe her to be, and she has to choose?!

Purifier: Calm down! I need to weigh my options...Ruby may be injured, so if I track her scroll, I can find her and administer aid. But if something happens out here, I won't be there to stop it...think dammit think!


Purifier: I got it!

She pulled up her HUD, calling up Ozpin.

Ozpin:*phone* Purifier? What seems to be the issue?

Purifier: I got a situation here, can you look through the crowds and find a person for me?

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