Call of the Dark

872 39 68

Amaterasu: I never knew that the Dimensional Gap had a God ruling over it

Iowa: That's the thing, it chose me to represent it as I ruled over a different Abyss. Despite that, it seems to resonate with me, as if I was the one who created it

Amaterasu: But wasn't it there before anything else?

Iowa: Hell if I know

The three Shinto Gods finally all relaxed on the mat, with a little bit of convincing on Tsukuyomi's part and a lot of menacing glares on Iowa's part. Susanoo was just relaxing with his head in his hands while Amaterasu and Iowa spoke together.

Tsukuyomi was laying on her side, ready to fall asleep, as she usually did.


Susanoo: Hmm...

He watched as Iowa and Amaterasu conversed, nothing her posture and how she carried herself. While Gods tend to think highly of themselves, this woman seems to think differently if her stance was to be taken into account.

She was like a well oiled spring, ready to fight at a moments notice...almost like she was made for fighting...

Susanoo: Iowa, I want to ask you something

Iowa: Hm? What is it Susanoo?

Susanoo: You seem ready to strike at any of us at any time, why is that?

Amaterasu was confused, but she also noticed that when she looked at Iowa and how she was sat. Even in Seiza, the woman seemed ready to stab a person in the blink of an eye, which was strange and suspicious.

Tsukuyomi didn't care, she was asleep.

Iowa: Aha...that's because of my past

Susanoo: Oh please do tell

Amaterasu: Susanoo, that's rude-!

Iowa: No need Ama, I'll tell him what he needs to know

She looked over to the God of Storms, who was eying her every move.

Iowa: The easiest way to describe this is that I wasn't born a God, rather I ascended into one

Susanoo: Odd...but not unheard of

Iowa: I was originally a human creation for war, meant to destroy anything that traveled the ocean

Amaterasu: A weapon of war becoming a God? I don't recall a story like that

Iowa: Most likely I am the first you heard of then. My full name is USS Iowa, a Battleship of the Eag-...sorry, United States

Amaterasu: A Battleship?! You're a Battleship?!

Susanoo: No wonder you always look ready for war, you literally are meant for it

Iowa: I'll take that as a compliment

Susanoo: You shouldn't, a stuck up person like that doesn't know what life is and probably never will...a machine is a machine no matter how human it is


Iowa looked over to Amaterasu, with a small raise of her eyebrow. The sun Goddess sighed and waved her hand, bringing a vicious smirk to Iowa's face.

Iowa: That is quite rude Susanoo, and I don't take too kindly to those who are truly rude

She made a small portal next to her, and she punched into it. For quite sometime, nothing occurred.

Susanoo: Come on...what's suppose to happ-



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