Devil's Due

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The doors to the church, which have been mended after the attack by Iowa, slowly opened up once more. The extra security on the door prepared for an attack by an enemy, but when they saw the familiar face of Raynare they lowered their guard.

?: Took you long enough

Raynare: Oh shut it Kalawarner, that little boy tried his damndest and I just wanted to see his face when he realized how fruitless it all was

Kalawarner: Play with your prey later, we need to get this ritual done

The blue haired Fallen Angel turned around and went into the basement, leaving Raynare with the unconscious Asia draped over her shoulder.

Raynare: That woman is an idiot. Doesn't she feel the difference in power from the doll to the real thing?


Raynare: Or maybe I'm actually that good...

Shaking her head, she left it at that and followed after the woman into the hidden cellar of the run-down church. The Priests were down there praying again, but it was of no concern as she could easily control them again, just as last time.

Raynare: You escaped last time, but you aren't escaping again Asia, I'll make sure of it

?: Bit creepy don't you think?

Raynare: You think you aren't? Wearing that fedora in this era?

?: What? It's fashionable

Raynare: Not to most people Dohnaseek, not anymore at least

Dohnaseek: Whatever, you keep setting this up and I'll go make sure Mittlet doesn't cause problems

Raynare: Mmhmm, go do that

He left her be, and she strung up the false Asia, making sure the bonds were on tight for the "sacred gear" she had to be extracted. The look on their faces when they realize they have a fake is gonna be priceless!

Raynare: However...Issei is gonna be problematic

Thankfully she knows that boy now, and with Raynare's memories, she realized just what that boy was.

A pervert, but something that the original Raynare glossed over was that he had a heart of Gold. He wants to be a harem king, but he's reluctant all because he doesn't want to break a girl's heart.

Raynare: You're gonna make a battleship like me blush Issei...I just hope that heart of yours outshines your perverted behaviors one of these days

Raynare kept her post and stood next to the machine, making sure that no one interfered or got close enough to examine the fake. All she needed to do now was wait, because she knew that kid was gonna come and get Asia back, and with him being a devil now...

Raynare: He's probably coming with his "peerage" whatevers...

She closed her eyes and felt for the real Asia's presence, noting that she was still prime and safe at Katase's the disguise of Cecilia of course.

Raynare: This Dimensional Gap is remarkable! So much power to just throw around almost carelessly, and it just keeps refilling me! I dare someone to come and try to kill me!


Raynare: No no...blind arrogance leads to death. Calm yourself, and wait for the main event

She had her eyes closed, keeping time by looking around town with Seer as a sort of camera. Even if she didn't have that, she was a master of patience...she would know...

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