Plus One

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Two battles have been waged at opposite ends of the Palace, and both have ended in failure for the attacking force. One side faces simple injuries and scorch marks, the other with severe injuries to both body and mind.

After a while of silence, four sets of feet stepped into the front field, the hub of this entire city merely a few minutes of walking away, and their eyes soon met the others. One side was walking and moving around just fine, the other had one being carried on their back.

"Holy shit!" Purifier rushed forward, same as Kurfürst when they laid eyes on their wounded allies.

Z73 was looking at them with her flat expression, but under that, was the signs of someone who was feeling uncertain, doubtful about what's to come. "So...I guess you both got out fine?"

"Mostly, but what the hell happened to Iowa?!"

Yes, Z73 was currently carrying Iowa in a piggyback hold, the taller woman looking somewhat uncomfortable on her back. "Brain damage...I still need time to heal..."

"Are you sure you'll be able to continue with us?" Kurfürst laid her hand on Iowa's shoulder, and the woman brushed it off. "I'll be fine in a few minutes more..."

"...If you say so." Kurfürst backed away, Z73 taking Iowa to a nearby bench and setting her down.

With four of the five reunited, they decided to explain what they all found on their sides of the city while they wait for Akagi to come back. Considering they were better off, Kurfürst and Purifier started.

"So, most of the eastern side is a fucking maze okay? That was our first issue with the place."

"And? It's not like the rest of the city is any different."

"True, but we got lost as shit, didn't we Kurfürst?"

The battleship nodded to that, deciding to take the story on herself. "After traveling around for a short while, we actually ran into a young Siren that looked to be going to school...which is our guess at least."

Iowa perked up. "School? We saw a group of them too, so I guess they really are going to school."

"Perhaps...anywho, from there, one of the young Sirens bumped into us, and she actually recognized me as a..."

"Comic book hero."

"Yes that's it, thank you Purifier."

"Wait wait, a what?" Z73 did a double take on that, but what met her was the tired smile of Kurfürst.

She reached into her neck space, pulling out a comic book and tossing it to Z73's hands. "See the cover? It may be slightly different, but there's no doubt that's me on there."

"Holy...yeah, I see what you mean."

Iowa pointed at the smaller text at the bottom. "Look, it even says Kurfürst down there. Even the character shares your name."

Purifier took the book back, and quickly flew threw the pages. "What's even weirder is that she said it follows a somewhat similar story to what she had to deal with several years ago, right?"

"Indeed, from the moment I came back to action, to the moment I was able to retire in Hawaii. This story covers most of that, with a few minor tweaks here and there."

They all went quiet for a minute, letting the wind blow between them as they thought about the comic. Were they really that known here in this place? Better yet, did they all have some form of story here that mirrors their lives?


"I wonder if they would cut out my special moments..."

"Hm? What do you mean Purifier?"

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