A Trip to a Place Called Juniors

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Ruby: Uhh...you okay Jaune?

At the lunch table, they were all looking at Jaune with worried gazes, as the poor kid was laying face down on the table.

Jaune: I'm fine...just need my aura to heal me

Blake: And...why?

?: Yeeeah, that's 'cause of me

Walking over from the staff table, Purifier patted Jaune's head as the poor teen was resting.

Purifier: I taught him proper stance, but in the process I also fought against him so he can get it ingrained in memory...here's the result

She stopped petting the kid and looked at the rest of his team.

Purifier: So, care for introductions?

The boy with a pink highlight in his hair answered first.

?: My name is Lie Ren, it's a pleasure to meet you

Purifier: A student with manners? I like you already

?: Nora Valkyrie 's the name!

Purifier: Nice to meet you

?: I'm Phyrra Nikos

Purifier: Ah, so you're that girl I ran into on my first day?

Phyrra: I am, and I'm sorry about that

Purifier: Aww, it's alright

She floated up and patted Phyrra's head.

Purifier: I don't hold it against you miss Sparta

Phyrra: Sparta?

Purifier:...Forget it

While Phyrra beat down the blush on her cheeks after the display you would see only for a child, Purifier landed on the ground and stood next to the table.

Purifier: So then, since I'm a new staff member I'm supposed to introduce myself to the kids. I guess you two teams will be the first...and especially since one of you already asked many before

She gave Ruby a quick glance as the Cookie Monster looked away whistling.

Purifier: So! Ask away!


The first one to think of something was Weiss.

Weiss: What exactly is your species? I heard you were a "Siren"?

Purifier: Hmm...Sirens are a species of Faunus that live underwater in our own civilization away from the surface. I'm one of the few who wanted to explore the surface and so I did after eventually gathering what I needed

Blake: What you needed? Was it supplies or did you need something specific?

Purifier just smiled as she unveiled to the Cafeteria her rigging. The large black and yellow shark floated over the two tables as the whole room went quiet at the reveal.

Purifier: I needed to make sure my ri-*ahem*weapon was ready before I went out to explore

The group was looking at it in shock, that is until Purifier felt something latch onto the face of Mako.


Yang: RUBY!!

The girl went quiet and dropped down from the shark. She still had stars in her eyes but she wasn't screaming out anymore.

Purifier: Huh...Anyways, Mako here has several high powered Plasma cannons that expels said plasma at high speeds that detonates on impact. I have varying ammunition types and also different types of attack but that's the gist

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