Kadar Cave Crawl

277 13 6

Wassup! Sorry about the extended absence, just relaxing after ending Sinz of Prinz and also just gaming with my buddies.

We're back in business now though, so don't worry!

The air was freezing cold, but she didn't mind the tingling it gave her skin. The temperature always reminded her of what she was once, being one of the few things unchanged from her time as a Human, all those years ago...

Nonetheless, Kurfürst has different things to worry about right now. The group had successfully escaped from New Hope, and were ambushed by Locust and also had to deal with Razor hail, both obstacles cleared easily by their combined efforts.

Now with the data and knowledge of Mount Kadar stored away, they're on their way to the very place they dug info about, looking to get inside and finally enter the Locust stronghold. From there, Operation Hollow Storm will have found it's true objective, and the raid on the Hive can truly begin.

Inside the Centaur, the Gears were driving and manning the guns and controls, while Kurfürst, like before, was stood atop the vehicle and keeping an eye out for anything around them. The trip to Kadar was guaranteed to be dangerous, so she had her riggings out for the first time since her transformation...and were they a sight.

They looked like Friedrich's still, with two shark heads, but each head grew far larger in size. They both use to be as big as a Brumak's head, but now they both stood roughly equal to half a Brumak tall.

"You two grew rather quickly didn't you?" She pet the two massive metal sharks, the purring sound they made was strangely adorable to her.

"Kurfürst, get ready for some Locust resistance. This is an important place to them, so don't think we can just skip in here without issue."

"I can guess that simply from the records. We're treading dangerous roads, so we all have to be on our A-game."

She stopped petting the sharks, each one larger than the Centaur and making the vehicle look incredibly strange and top heavy. Thankfully, they didn't add weight unless she desired to, otherwise this could have been bad.

"So we find the entrance, then what?"

"We go inside, we find the Stronghold, activate Jack...and rain hell on these bastards"

"Sounds so easy in Theory, doesn't it?" Baird, as usual, remarks like a smartass.

"Quit the whining Damon, you're already this far along, and you don't need to worry about much with me helping."

"Right right, let superwoman do it all"

Even if he was being a prick, she couldn't help but smile. 'Sleezy bastard...'

However, as they drove, she saw just up ahead a roadblock with a few Locust on it, lined with Troikas that immediately began firing at them. The bullets bounced off the armor of the tank, and they did nothing to her, so she just watched as Dom shot and blasted the barricade to bits.

"Let's keep this moving boys, any large groups that are here leave to me." Her sharks reared back and roared, snow scattering everywhere and echoing the sound for miles.

"Gah dayum! How loud are those things?! Nearly blasted my ears!"

"Sorry Cole, but they do that themselves whenever they get excited."

The drive continued on, and obviously, they ran into more Locusts. This time, it was a far larger stretch of them, with several Boomers in the group that fired towards the Centaur.

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