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The stars overhead sat peacefully, and the Sirens of their true home all buzzed around to finish their duties of the day. They laughed, they smiled, they cried as they lost their bets...it's as if the humans who once populated this blue planet were still alive and happy.

Goddess: Yet, it was simply not meant to be for those greedy and vile creatures. Their endless lust for bloodshed and profit...it was their doom

She stood at her massive height, looking out the window of the ornate palace she calls home. The night was young, and the Sirens she watched went about their days, more than happy to spend it having fun after their day of work.

Goddess: This is not a utopia, but it is damn near close...wouldn't you agree Magician?

The black Wisdom cube sat under it's glass lid, and it flashed at her, which Goddess only smiled at.

Goddess: Yes of course, a kingdom fit for a king is not meant for the people, and a kingdom fit for the people will go on without the King...

One of her two wings stretched out as she gently held it in her hands, stroking the durable yet soft material of her powerful and draconic wings.

Goddess: That is why we built that democracy hm? Just as the pitiful creatures have before us. These democracies work for only so long before we grow corrupt and power hungry politicians from the muck that was the populace


Goddess: That is why I did away with that foolish system. A corrupt leader can always make life manageable even in the worst of times...but look out there Magician

She took of the glass lid, lifting the black cube up and out to show her the world down below.

Goddess: The state of life of Sirens has improved with our conquering. Can't you see my wish for us all? War, as the humans put it, is business as usual...so I'm following their ways for once, as it's effective and makes our lives back at home that much sweeter

The Black cube of Magician flashed several times before Goddess responded.

Goddess: Why of course not, a Warmonger is merely in it for the rush and thrill of the fight. I am simply a proud and great ruler who has made her people happy by ensuring they don't need to fight our battles. Once again, I must thank you

She pulled back inside, putting the wisdom cube back into it's glass container.

Goddess: Were it not for your plans of having cybernetic enhancing for our soldiers, I would never be able to form the basis of our Armada today. Every Siren soldier you see now is just another machine, crafted so well that they have conscience, thought, lives that they are free to live...all thanks to you

The black cube softly hummed a soft light, as if she was crying.

Goddess: Magician...your tears will not falter me. You wanted us to live in peace with humans and others of varying species across the Multiverse...that dream is simply not meant to be. Nature is something that is a part of all beings not crafted from a frame, and from what I know, only we have transcended those primitive parts of us


Goddess: Don't you think you can imagine it? A world...no, multiverse, where Sirens can go free and live, where our people can explore to their hearts content this great and vast existence...does that not sound a beautiful dream to you?

The cube made no response, making Goddess sigh.

Goddess: I truly have no quarrel with you Magician, but you kept our people back...and if it comes to your surprise, the other Origins sides with me during our bout

The cube lit up, as if Magician screamed.

Goddess: They all saw the way you ruled our people. You were fair, honest, and could lead without a second thought. You have all the qualities of a great and powerful leader...but you lacked the most important thing

She sat down on her throne, seeing a hologram of Sirens attacking various worlds with practiced precision, taking down any militaries and resistance.

Goddess: You lack the fighting spirit every leader needs. If someone is encroaching your domain, you do not appease them and send them off, they will come back for more every time. You have to crush them underfoot to prevent any retaliation

The cube flashed a few times.

Goddess: Of course I spare the ones who give up, I am a leader, not a dictator

She dispelled the holograms, opting to rest back on her throne and let herself connect to the Siren Armada. She knows of their attacks, she knows of their bounty, and she knows of their success.

Goddess: Under your rule Magician, we were a threat to be wary of, but not enough to be of concern. I changed that, and many have fallen to us... from the smallest of Ants to mighty Gods, they have all fallen to our army's might

She looked over to the Cube, a sad look on her face.

Goddess: You left me out of many things Magician, as my innate ability was not one to handle responsibilities...but you never saw how I wished for this kingdom to fair.

She gently stroked the glass casing that sat next to her throne, still giving Magician that sad look.

Goddess: No matter how you treated my side of the situation, either with tender care or complete disapproval...I loved you through and through. You wanted what's best for us, for all of us Origin Sirens as the Eldest, but that care for us led to the lax of our Empire


Goddess: I had to correct that, but it would come at the cost of you being the one true obstacle in our path...I chose to govern the people over the care of myself and our sisters. They love each other, and they love you...never forget that even I care for you sister

The cube never responded, so Goddess took her hand away.

Goddess: Now...I suppose it doesn't hurt to relax now

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