Not-so-Familiar Place

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With a new list of objectives and a new goal in mind, Purifier...did NOT go and immediately do them.

Purifier: I deserve some me time dammit! The only time I could have had some it was interrupted by Raven...even if it was helpful

With the goal of relaxation in mind, she flew through the skies and followed a nice minimap, which she got by "asking" Ozpin for.

Purifier: No one needs to know I can hack...except those who do

She glanced at the people who did know, and winked.

Purifier: Keep it secret alright? Thanks!


Anyways, with the map's help, she soon found the large and incredibly confusingly built city of Mistral. It was filled with the Sakuran charm and beauty she grew to both love and abhor back in her world.

Purifier: long as there isn't any crazy foxes around, I think I'll be fine


Purifier: Yeah, if there is a crazy fox, I'm killing it

She landed a fair bit away from the main city, checking her stuff to make sure she has Lien to use and rent any sort of room or inn. With this being the main city there's bound to be such a thing.

Purifier: That was...stupid easy

The guards at the front gate didn't even try to stop her or talk to her as she entered the place. Were the two there just lazy, or did they really not give a rat's ass about the safety of the most important city on the continent?

Whatever the case was, she wasn't going to stick around and figure out. Walking up the many stairs and seeing the familiar type of housing, she also soon found that everything here was written in the Kanji that the Sakuras used all the time.

Purifier: And I know how to write in it as well, thanks a bunch Shangri-La!

The buildings all pointed out that she was in the marketplace of Mistral, and where there's food and drink there's bound to be housing.



Stopping in front of the hotel (at least what she translated it too) she took a peek inside to make sure it was the right address, and she was proven correct as there was a counter with a woman resting behind it. Walking inside, the woman looked at the door and smiled at the new face, even if their choice of clothing was a bit improper.

Clerk: Ohayō gozaimasu!

Purifier: Ohayō! Pardon me, but do you speak English?

Clerk: I do yes, but it's always welcome to introduce someone with Mistralian

Purifier: I understand that, I did learn it from someone who is from Anima, even if I'm not fluent in it

Clerk: That's quite alright, but I'm happy you're interested in our culture!

Purifier: So, how much is it for a few nights here, say...three?

Clerk: It would be about ninety Lien, but we do have breakfast meals that will cost an extra seven per day

Purifier: Hmm...I'll take a room for three days with no breakfast

She handed the clerk the ninety Lien, and she was led down the hallways and to a room near the end. The inside was furnished lightly, with a bed, a table, a television, and a window to let the patron view the outside.

Clerk: If you're in need of anything, let the person at the front desk know. We rotate shifts every few hours to contribute to another role here

Purifier: Got it, arigatou

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