Group of Misfits

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Purifier: So that's the job huh?

She was sitting in Ozpin's office, where the man himself just briefed her on the next mission he wants her to go on.

Ozpin: You have shown me that you are more than capable of taking on more dangerous assignments. I'm only hoping you can handle this kind of one

The mission itself wasn't the problem, what was going to be a problem was what the mission entailed. At night, Purifier was to go to the South Side of the city and investigate the several abandoned warehouses that could house criminal activity.

Purifier: So just wait a few hours then head out...the only problem is I look like a glow stick with my eyes and my rigging

Ozpin: That's why I simply want you to see any of it. If there's anything happening down there, I give you full permission to engage the target or targets

Purifier: Got what about him?

She pointed to the elevator, where Qrow was resting near the doors to it simply listening to their conversation.

Ozpin: Qrow, I would like for you to rest for now. You've been out on your assignments for quite a while, so it's up to you to do what you want

Qrow: Works for me. I'll probably crash in Calamari's room for now until something happens

Purifier: Calamari?!

She flew straight at Qrow, lifting him off the ground while she levitated.

Purifier: You better not call me that again, got it?!

Qrow: Of course~...Sushi lips


She felt her eye twitch, but she closed them and took a deep breath, smiling at Qrow.

Purifier: You know what? Keep talking like that. It'll only make your comeuppance sweeter for me

Not much time had passed, but we see the small changes that have happened, with it being 4 pm and the classes are ending out for the day.

Purifier was still waiting for night time, and she wasn't avid on playing games since she never fully got into them so she was spending time outside and relaxing.

Like right now, she was lying back in a tree and watching the students go about their day. Yes, she was bored, but there wasn't much else to do until the proper time came so she endured.


Purifier: I wonder why he's named Qrow...


Purifier: Did one take a shit on him when he was born?


Purifier: Maybe he got caught in a weird spot with one?


Purifier: Oh! Or maybe-

?: Alright, enough with your little theories!

She smirked as a familiar face popped out of the leaves.

Purifier: Hello Qrow, mind telling me why you're named that?

Qrow: Born a Qrow, and no bird shit on me got it?

Purifier: Damn, it should have. Might have made you a bit more handsome

Qrow: That's cold...almost like a certain someone I know

Purifier: Ohh~, is it your loooover?

Qrow: Nah, more like tense partner

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