A Taste of Terror

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Raven: Will you let me GO ALREADY?!

Purifier: Sure, we're far enough

She haplessly threw her off her shoulder, making Raven groan from the impact.

Purifier: So, now that we're away from the village, how about we talk real business?

Raven: Augh...fine

She slowly stood up and dusted herself off, before glaring at Purifier.

Raven: So what do you want? I'm sure this item of yours isn't something we have

Purifier: That's the thing, I really don't believe you have it, but the connections you have and the spread of your...influence? yeah let's go with that, will be able to help me better locate it, just in case it real is here in Anima

Purifier handed her the Grimm mask and sword, both of which were picked up by her rigging and carried the whole way.

Raven: That's pretty steep of a request, but what's in it for me? If I'm going to accept this I'm going to want to see if you can really hold yourself up in a fight

Purifier: Hmm...how about a demonstration of what I can do, then you can decide?

Raven went quiet as she thought about what she said, before nodding to Purifier and standing aside.

Raven: Your results will decide my decision. I want you to attack that tree right there...

She pointed at a random one

Raven: With all you got, understood?

Purifier: Seems legit

She stepped forward, but Raven put her hand in front of her first.

Raven: I mean that, all you got, understood?


She slowly let a smile grow on her face, her eyes glowing brighter and brighter.

Purifier: All I got...? Then you'll want to get back...far

Raven stepped back onto a few paces, crossing her arms and watching her closely.

Purifier: Your funeral Raven

Raven: Get on with it!

Purifier brought her rigging hovering right behind her, taking a deep breath and putting her hands on each side.

The cannons started to charge up, and slowly became a brighter and brighter pink as they continued to charge.

Putting more energy into them, the cannons started to spark with pink electricity, and instead of expanding their glow, seemed to draw in light and particles from the surroundings.

Starting from Purifier, the world lost all color, changing to a black and white palette. The only things not affected by this change was Purifier's eyes and cannons, which were almost constantly charging with the pink lightning arcing throughout the entire rigging.

Raven slowly backed away as the fading colors approached her, and she suddenly regretted not listening to the girl when she said to run.

The world fell silent as the guns stopped pulling in particles, and all that remained was a very quiet yet low resonance hum.

Purifier: Caelum...



Raven felt her ears start to ring, and the wind hit her so hard that even when her Aura went up to defend her, she was thrown back and into the air like a leaf in the wind.

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