Push Becomes Punch

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Akagi kept silent as she walked down the empty hallways of the castle. It was days ago that they took Eren to the HQ, and Akagi left the building without a further word as she carried a white sack on the back of Cavaliere that was stained a bloody red.

It was thought up to be a body bag, which was true as they found, but when a soldier was sent to remove it and throw it to the rest, his fingers where swiftly removed and an blade was placed at his throat, curtesy of Akagi.

Yamato kindly healed him up, but he swiftly ran away from Akagi.

Now, these days later, she roamed the castle, looking at the paintings on the walls and the cafeteria where everyone once ate.


'It was a brief ten days...they flew by quickly and painfully for you huh Keiko?'

She looked into the cafeteria, remembering those days where Keiko would go around and talk to the people that stayed there. She would give them laughs, cheering for their stories, and generally reminded them of what they all were fighting for out here.

For the children behind the walls, stuck in that massive prison. They were fighting to give those kids a chance to hopefully one day live without walls keeping them locked inside that cage.

Akagi shook that memory from mind, continuing down the halls that only answered back her own footsteps. A window was coming up to her, one that overlooked the courtyard where the Soldiers would spend free time keeping themselves entertained and technically working out to.

Keiko would play with them, generally tag where they wound have to take turns trying to catch one another. It was a game they mostly played for Keiko, but once they found that Keiko was not only able to keep up with them, but even out do them, it became far more competitive and even more joined in.


She sighed as she tore her gaze from the window, finally making her way back to her room soon after. She opened the door and looked around, seeing how spotless the room still was and how her many weapons laid across the table opposite her bed.

Her eyes lingered on the weaponry, the blade up against the wall also falling under her gaze. The Alastor, Yamato, Force Edge, Luce and Ombra, with Cavaliere R outside...each one was a weapon meant for just what it was meant for.

'Bloodshed...it's always meant for bloodshed.'

Akagi closed the door behind her, opting to take the chair at that desk and put it near the window to look out to the plains far out from the castle. A beautiful place like this held so much death and misery in the form of man eating monsters that almost seemed human.

It was a terrifying notion to Akagi, but she always speculated that these Titans may be some sort of alternate species to humanity, or possibly some form of specialized human that adapted to...

"This is fucking stupid..." she leaned into her hand, sighing as she just looked out to the sun.

These moments of peace were always unwelcome to the Hunter, as when her mind idles, it will always go back to the darker times of her life. The Orochi incident, her depression afterwards, the terrors of Shantien...

Now she had a new tally to that list, being her daughter's head rolling across the floor.

"It always ends like this...no matter what I do it always comes back to that simple fucking thing..."

She looked at her hands, already knowing what they have done in the past, and what they will do in the future.

"Bloodshed, bloodshed, and more bloodshed...I was built a weapon of war, failed as such, and even now, I'm still making myself as such."

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