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Purifier: Woah...

Ghira: It's a large home is it not?

She and the Dilk family were brought to Ghira's house, and Purifier was, safe to say, stunned by the size of the building. Ghira welcomes them inside, while the guards stood at attention and seemed relieved that Ghira was home fine.

Ghira: Please wait here, I'll get everything ready for supper

The group sat down in the living room, which was large and beautiful. Purifier saw the second floor looped around the first, so there would always be some way someone could speak to you.

Purifier It's a very nice place

Tucker: I've been inside before, but it always gets me seeing Ghira's home

Purifier: Wouldn't this be a problem considering how everyone else lives?

Tucker laughed lightly, same as his wife.

Tucker: It wouldn't have been if he choose it, he wanted to live like everyone else. We had to practically force him to live here

Purifier: Huh, now that's a leader I like

?: Hello?

They looked up the stairs and saw a woman standing there next to Ghira. She was laughably smaller than him, but she was still taller than Purifier.

Ghira: Purifier, I would like for you to meet Kali, my lovely wife

Purifier: It's nice to meet you

Kali: Likewise Purifier

Ghira: Now then, since everyone is gathered, why don't we go enjoy some food?

The dinner table, once full of food, now was empty as everyone had their fill of food. What caught them off guard was how much food Purifier could actually eat, having eaten over twice as much as Ghira.

Kali: Are you going to be alright?

Purifier: Yeah...I'm just ravenous

Ghira: I'm guessing you always have been?

Purifier: Indeed I have!

They laughed at the obvious hilarity of things. A small girl with that much food? Ridiculous, yet real.

Ghira: So then Purifier, are you planning on traveling the world?

Purifier: Of course, I always wanted too

She was still riding on that lie, and will continue to do so until she can't hide the truth...hopefully that never happens but you can't be too sure.

Purifier: I'm planning on heading to some major continent or something similar, that's what I plan to see next

Tucker: If that's the case, why not head to Mistral?

Purifier: Mistral?


Tucker: Right...we'll have to give you a geography lesson then

He went on to describe the 4 major continents, and what each one is both known for and what major things are from and in there

Purifier: So Vacuo is a desert, so that's a no go for me until later. Mistral is calm and topically a bit chilly but has wonderful culture

Frui: That's correct

Purifier: If I'm guessing right, then that's this world's Sakuran area. It seems almost all worlds have one

Purifier: Mantle is chilly and freezing, but home to an incredibly advanced city thanks to the Atlas people. Finally, Vale is an all around mild climate and seems to be where most people live, correct?

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