The COG Gears

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A portal had formed within a building, and quickly, an armored figure jumped through and looked around her environment, keeping a close eye on all parts of the room as she swept the area. Her blonde hair had streaks of shining white running through it, and her right eye was a bright pink while her left was a deep blue.

Großer Kurfürst has arrived in the world of Sera.


She kept quiet, as the room felt incredibly still and silent, which shouldn't be the case for a building that seemed from an urban area. She walked into the hallway, her halberd held tightly in her hands as she had the spear tip pointed forward and ready to attack.

'It's far too quiet, and the windows are boarded this an abandoned building?'

The stairs were up ahead, and also an open window that led outside. Next to it however, was definitely something that answered at least part of her questions.

She went down the stairs, kneeling next to the corpse that was partly rotted with a sniper rifle of unknown make next to them. They had a bullet hole through their skull, and after seeing the hole going completely through their head, she turned around and looked at the staircase going upwards, seeing a crack in the concrete making it up.

'High caliber and high powered rounds, no doubt belonging to a similar weapon. I'm sure that'll hurt to get hit by, but I'm confident I'll be fine.'

Continuing down the stairs, the ground floor was no less ruined and destroyed, showing massive cracks and shears with dust and rubble being everywhere. It was as if a war had happened, and with both the corpse and the view of the street she got, she was certain that was the case.

'The question it still ongoing?'

Her eyes drifted to the blasted away doors, where she saw the light of day bathe the streets. She still wasn't able to hear a single thing, but in the distance, she started to hear what sounded like gunfire from several assault rifles.

Deciding to take a quieter theory...Kurfürst leapt up and landed on the roof tops, landing with a loud thud, but overall safer and less detectable. She ran across and jumped from roof to roof, clearing the streets quickly as she arrived soon to where the gunfire was, seeing it all fizzle out as the fight seemingly came to a conclusion.

She was on a rooftop of a building down the road from this large Congress style building, and from what she can see, there are corpses of strange, lizard like humans in body armor carrying firearms she never saw before. They had shotguns, pistols, and what seemed to be a type of Submachine gun, but Kurfürst wasn't sure.

'This is a world that has strange parallels to my own...but what else is different?' Her eyes trained on the four figures that were there, seeing that they were all human, and armed with assault rifles with...chainsaws?!

'What kind of mechanical menace is that?! That should be a terrible weapon with such an attachment!'

Continuing to watch, she saw the one with a helmet on, fully covered from head to toe in armor, seemingly having troubles with his weapon. He was fiddling around with it and clicking the trigger, but the gun wouldn't fire.

Kurfürst shook her head, knowing weapon jams were annoying and lethal to the poor soul who has a jammed gun. Thankfully, there weren't any lizard men around, so he should be able to clear th-


Kurfürst watched with wide eyes as his head exploded in a blast of blood and brain matter, snapping her head towards where she heard a war cry and seeing a lizard holding a sniper rifle. The ground started to shake as sinkholes crumbled the streets above and allowed the lizard men to climb up and out of the ground to battle the now three men.

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