Confounding Complacency

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The doors at the end of the second floor were opened by Kurfürst, and it revealed...another hallway to them. Even when she wasn't looking, she could feel the disappointment from the girls behind her.

They've walked through enough long hallways already, but now they have to do it again?

"This fucking sucks..."

"We have to deal with it Purifier, for now, everyone fall in behind me and we'll keep going at a good speed." Wrangling in the group, Kurfürst led them through the halls once more, no doors in sight and thus, they believed it to be safe enough for them to go through with their guard down.

Although the repetitive nature of going through long halls was really starting to get annoying, how else could they travel through this place? They didn't know the shortcuts Hierophant discussed, and if they tried, they might end up getting sent further back down then they would have hoped.

That leaves the only really safe option: Continue down these halls.

"So...anyone feel bad for Sun right now?" Purifier looked between them all, but she only saw two people with faces that agreed with her,

Akagi patted Purifier on the shoulder. "I do, since I know the pain of losing a sister myself. Sadly, a war will always result in casualties, and no matter what, it's better them than us."

"I agree with her." Kurfürst looked over her shoulder. "As much as it pains me to rip family from family, we must do this for the betterment of the ones we have at home. If this is too much for you Purifier, all I ask is that you endure it for now, and I will give you all the support you need later."

"...Yeah." Purifier smiled, patting the far taller woman's arm. "I'll take up that offer. Thanks Kurfürst."

"It's my duty." She smiled and looked forward again, the smile vanishing as her and the rest of them came to an abrupt stop.

There was a person ahead of them.

Akagi's eyes locked onto the figure, knowing just who they were as soon as she spotted them. For the rest, it's an unknown, but since they're here, they know it's one of the Arbiters that was standing in their way.

They were tall, taller than all but Kurfürst, who barely stood taller than she did. A head of silver hair with cool yellow eyes instead of the usual glowing ones associated with the Sirens.

Their physique is different too, boasting far more muscle and mass than the others with large muscular thighs and a clear to see six pack. However, as racist as it might seem to (some of) them, she was unique amongst the Sirens they have seen due to her skin color: A dark greyish-brown.

"You..." Her eyes locked into Akagi, who stepped forward past Kurfürst. "You're the eighth Arbiter, aren't you?"


"The silent treatment ey? But the evidence all points to me being're Strength VIII."

She still didn't respond, but the slight nod was all the confirmation that they needed. In front of them was the Arbiter represented by the eight card of the Arcana, Strength, and by her build, it was clear that she really meant it.

To Akagi's side, her Arbiter Strength materialized, staring at her Original counterpart with wonder and awe. "M-Miss Strength..."

She raised her hand, silencing her. "Please leave us be. You are not part of this..."

Those were the first words she spoke, and they rolled over them all like a literal wave of power. She was no doubt strong, and if she was like Akagi's Strength, then she had a dreadful ability at her disposal: Gravity control.

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