A Name for the Legends

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The horrible event that was the fall of Beacon was news that spread everywhere. Everyone saw it, but the one question that came to everyone's mind was the conclusion.

A large black wyvern, many times larger than any Grimm seen before, woke from it's slumber and flew towards Beacon, releasing its own flesh and dropping it as spawning pools for more Grimm.

The students have long been evacuated, and no one remained at the school. Only the culprits remained.


Mercury: So uhh...any clue where Cinder is? I know she wants me to record everything but it seems this is over

Emerald: I'm sure she's fine, probably taking on that Headmaster

The continued watching the Wyvern fly around, before it stopped in the air and looked at the now broken roof of Beacon's highest tower.

Mercury: Hey...ain't that the chick that beat the crap out of us?

He caught Purifier on the recording, and from a distance, they couldn't tell what she was doing very well. All they and everyone watching knew was that she was covered in red.

Emerald: Well what do you know! She can bleed, just like us!

Mercury: I'm more worried about what the Wyvern is doing than that

The camera went back to the Wyvern, and they saw it staring right at the Siren, who seemed to be looking back. The Wyvern flew down to the roof and landed on the side, gripping it and staring at the tiny figure in front of it.

With a loud roar, the Wyvern bit down on the Siren, the World watching her vanish into it's gullet.

Mercury: Woah! She must have been really out of it to get caught like that!

Emerald: Well, that saves us the trouble, now we have to wait for Cind-

The ground rumbled underneath them, and they saw that the Wyvern was flailing about, ramming into Beacon's walls and dropping more of the structure.

Mercury: Uhh, what's wrong with the dragon?

It fell to the ground, dropping its head and making a lot of noises. It sounded almost like whimpers of pain as the thing's torso convulsed.

Mercury: Uhh...should we...?

Emerald: Yeah, I think it's wise to start running

Just as they said that, a massive explosion erupted from the Wyvern, blinding them for a few short moments before allowing them to see it again.

What they saw was a huge cloud floating up into the atmosphere, one that millions across the globe also viewed through the stream.

At the bottom of the crater that once housed the Grimm Wyvern, now stood Purifier. Bright yellow vapor trails flowing from her eyes as she hovered there with her rigging, it's own lights also leaving behind aftertrails.

Mercury: I-is that...

Emerald: Those are Maiden powers! But...that means-

Purifier: She's dead

They snapped around, surprised to the Purifier standing right behind them. They were distracted with their thoughts, not noticing her moving through a portal...

One directly to them

Purifier: She caused so much pain and agony, for the people, for Amber, and most definitely for me

Even with the blood, one could still see faint tear lines fresh on her cheeks.

Purifier: Beacon has fallen, but with that a new light will arise, no matter how cheesy that sounds

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