A Special Day

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A cup full of hot tea is the first thing we see, before a smooth grey hand slowly reached over and grabs the handle, taking it to their lips and having a sip of it. A content sigh later, they put it down and continued looking out the window next to them.

"Such a nice day out there..." Their grey skin was complimented well by their flowing red robes, clearly looking almost regal by design, but most certainly not for such a purpose.

Bright white hair with the same color of horns are some of the most striking characteristics, alongside a small, yet still noticeable demonic tail swaying behind them. Who would have thought having your profile picture be someone would actually have you be said someone huh?

 Who would have thought having your profile picture be someone would actually have you be said someone huh?

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"Still can't get use to this..." The person was none other than the Author of these stories themself: Elect0sharkus, known by most as Shark, and currently appearing as the one and only Supreme Calamitas, the profile picture of the account for all these years.

However, he(technically she) was referring to the body they had, unuse to having a feminine form after being male their whole life. Thankfully, a nice distraction was Calamitas' equal taste in tea that he shared, and so he indulged in it.

knock knock

Red eyes drifted to the door, and with grace definitely inherited from Calamitas herself, he stood from the chair and went to the door, opening it and allowing entry for whoever was on the other side.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" He was tackled to the floor in a pile of limbs, unable to move as the woman who jumped him had their arms wrapped tightly around him.

Eventually, he pried her off, standing up and dangling her from the floor. "What did I say about that Purifier?"

"You said not to do it, but I didn't care for today cause it's your B-day!" The Siren gave him a smile, one that he lightly responded with before setting her down. "Very well, then I'm guessing the others are here too?"

"Not here, but everyone's already prepared to give you a day of fun!" She grabbed him by the hand, taking him away from his room(and his cup of tea) before going outside, where he saw Akagi in her Mustang, giving him a smirk.

"Hey Shark! Ready to start the day?"

Purifier hopped into the back seat, while Shark got in the front passenger. "You bet. Let's get going!"

Now with the (wo)man of the day in tow, Akagi had driven the three of them to where the little get together was being held. It was a small, rented out place that would be changed up depending on the current activity they were going to do...thank the Reality breakers in the stories for that.

Akagi slowed to a stop, getting out of the car and going to the passenger side to open the door. "After you."

Shark huffed, but stepped out of the car with a smile. "Thank you dear, if you weren't married I'd take you myself."

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