Water Woes and Flying Foe

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"Well...I never expected to find this down here."

The tank had passed over a very large gap, one that Baird actually wet himself over as they drove. Naturally, she saw it herself, and braced to pull them up if they didn't make it...thankfully, that wasn't needed.

However, after driving for even longer down that way, they came across a group of Stranded next to a massive body of water. "Pardon me folks, but why are you all down here?"

The old man at the front, seemingly the leader, stared up at her in shock. "Holy shit, what have they been feeding ya?!"


"Ah forget it. We were on the surface a few months back, but after those assholes behind you blew up my gas station, and after Franklin's outpost got overrun, we went down here."

Dom and Marcus were the men in question that did that, but Kurfürst was more caught up on the middle part of his sentence. "Franklin's place was overrun? How many escaped?"

"Not much, hell, I don't even know if Franklin got out alive either."

"...Dammit." She sighed and moved aside, looking over the rest of the people there.

Almost all of them were staring at her and not the Gears, and that makes sense when she remembered her changes. She's far taller, and she's much more beautiful, at least by her own standards.

However...she can see the hesitation in their eyes, and she only looked away from them as she remembered what Skorge said to her those days ago. 'Seems he truly was right about that...but that is of no concern.'

She felt a tap on her arm, and turned to see Dom next to her. "Kurfürst, can I ask you to do something?"

"What is it Dominic?"

He hesitated for a moment, before holding up a picture of him and another woman. "Please...I know you're superhuman and all, so I want to ask you this. Is there anyway you can go ahead of me and Marcus and across the lake before we do? I need this to be as fast as possible so-"

"She's missing isn't she Dom?"


The silence was the only answer she needed, and she gently took the picture from his hands and got a closer look. "She's a fine woman Dom, what's her name?"

"Maria...her name is Maria."

She nodded and gave him the picture back, bringing her Troika gun to her left hand. "Well Dom, I'll let you know that I can walk on water. So I can cross easily."

"Hold on, what else can you do? You've been so ridiculous but...we never really got a basis."

Now it was her turn to be silent, but she turned to him with the straightest face she could manage. "I'm a Warship in human form Dominic. I am the Großer Kurfürst, the largest battleship, now fully released by Imulsion, and at my peak of power."

She patted his shoulder pulling the Halberd from her back and holding it in her main hand. "Besides Dominic, it is my duty to protect Humanity no matter what. I assure you, I'll find Maria, and if it's too late..."

"...Do what you need to Kurfürst...Marcus and I will catch up at some point."

She nodded, before hopping off the small ledge they were on and falling to the water. Once she made contact, she smiled at the welcome return to her true habitat, the open water.

"Now then, let's get moving." Instead of taking a step, she slid her foot across the water, skating along just like any of the other girls would, the Imulsion truly brought the locked parts of her cube to light.

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