Training the Months Away

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?: Alright you dung munchers! Today is your first day in Hell, and I'm your devil starting from now until I see your asses in uniform, or back on the streets where filthy rats like you belong!

The loud man up front paced back and forth, scanning the audience for anyone who is already showing weakness at his behavior. So far no one has budged, but that's to be expected from adults compared to children.

?: I'm your instructor Miles Dohl, I expect you all to give me your best shot at being anything other than a worthless maggot rotting on the ground!

With the declaration, he marched over to the start of the line, facing the man in front of him with a cold and angry glare.

Dohl: Name!

?: Alex Qued sir!

Dohl: Where are you from Qued?

Alex: Shiganshina sir!

Dohl: That place huh? You escaped being Titan food once already, but here we'll make sure you become prime dinner for them!

He stepped over to the next person.

Dohl: Name!

?: Raychell Freid sir! From Trost!

Dohl: What brings a woman of your tiny stature here?!

Raychell: I'm here to assist in the killing of Titans sir!

Dohl: Is that so? You think you have what it takes to kill those things?! All I see in front of me is a juicy little piece of steak for a Titan to munch on!


He went down the line several more times, and standing near the back was Akagi, who was currently having a talk with the voices in her she isn't crazy

(Empress): He certainly knows how to get the point across

Akagi: (It's a military training camp Empress, they're hard on you to weed out the weak willed and to toughen up the ones that stay)

(Empress): I get that, but to this extent?

Akagi: (Welcome to the military, you won't enjoy your stay)

(Yamato): Before we continue, nice thinking on folding your ears flat on your head. I can barely tell the difference and I know they're there

Akagi: (Improv is kinda our specialty isn't it?)

(Hermit): Keep sharp Foxy, you're up next

She blinked and refocused, just as Instructor Dohl came up to her. Her ruby red eyes bore into his brown ones, and a stare down started as the rest of the field kept silent as they watched this encounter.


Akagi: Akagi Setogaya sir

Dohl: Where you from trainee?

Akagi: Trost district sir


Dohl: There's a fire in your eyes trainee, like I'm staring at a, it's even worse


Dohl: I expect you to have the best performance of everyone here with eyes like those, understood trainee?

Akagi: Yes sir

Dohl: I said understood trainee?!

Akagi: Yes sir!

He moved on from her, standing in front of the next person in line.

Dohl: Name!

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