Baby Talents

407 27 14

"Stop it Eduard..."


Kurfürst could only sigh as the creature, who was resting on her back despite being nearly as big as her, continued chewing on her hair. It didn't hurt her, but it was slightly irritating.

Eduard became very relaxed after the Corpser encounter, and it was fairly obvious why considering the Corpser was not only gone, but completely eviscerated. It's corpse was at the mouth of the tunnel, and it could barely be recognized as what it once was.

It's head was torn forcefully from it's body, the head split in two as the brain matter spilled out onto the cavern floor. It's many legs were all torn out and stabbed into it's soft stomach, and one of the massive front legs was rammed down the neck of the decapitated beast, ripping the chest open in the process.

Kurfürst didn't hold back against it, not once Eduard was frightened.

Naturally, thanks to her incredibly brutal murder of it, she was drenched head to toe in blood, which was still very slick. She also didn't give a shit, as she could tell that Eduard was licking it off of her, like a treat.

"You like blood don't you Eduard?"

The little guy purred, so she chuckled and scratched his chin, his purring vibrating against her back. "You're a good little boy aren't you? Keep this up and I'll make you a treat when we get out of here."

She relished in the experience, always finding happiness whenever she was able to be a mother again. She may have had a...fairly rocky start with Bismarck and Zeppelin when they were "born" but she improved through the experience and became a tried and true parent.

So lost was she in this mood, that she almost didn't hear the whirring of machinery somewhere ahead of her. 'I suppose it was only a matter of time. I've been traveling for miles under the surface, so there has to be some sort of drilling area down here.'

Going ahead, she soon around an absolutely massive and open cavern, filled with machinery in different sections, and a currently descending drill. Kurfürst was suspicious of the drilling, but with a focused glance, she soon started to smile.

"Son of a bitch...I wondered when I would see them again."

Kurfürst spent sometime finding a way around the chasm, but after walking down a slope, then climbing the rock(while making sure Eduard was secure), she made it successfully to the other side. From her position, she could see their faces, and the look on Baird's face was priceless.

" stinks down here. There's Kryll shit everywhere."

"All right, enough! Let's get this done and get out of here before the Kryll come back." Marcus, as usual, wrangled them all in as they continued down into the cavern, passing by different bits of machinery and eventually, Wretches.

'Where the hell...I never ran into even one while I was down here!' The pack of Wretches jumped down from the surrounding cranes and drills, attempting to swarm the four Gears and overwhelm them...with no success as they were shot to ribbons.

It was a nice show, but unfortunately for the Wretches, Kurfürst wanted to have a reunion with her new friends...even if it's only been about ten hours. 'Ten hours...Hmph, so much has happened in so little time...'

Down below, Cole just kicked a Wretch and sent it screaming off the side of the cliff, while the rest shot down the other Wretches that dared to come close. Marcus kept a close eye on the others, making sure they weren't overwhelmed by Wretches.

A sudden screech came from behind him, and when he turned, he saw a Wretch mid jump over top of him, about to come down on him. "Shit!"


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