Strange man and the Queen

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In the middle of a great red forest, where the trees seem dead, and the leaves nowhere to be found, a deep blue portal opened.

A heeled boot stepped out of it, gently carrying the rest of the person out from the portal. Her golden yellow eyes welcomed the new sight of the world quickly and easily.

Iowa: And now...I've arrived


Iowa: Am I in Hell?!

She looked around, seeing nothing but red trees and red dirt. The sky was red too!

Iowa: Yeah, this is definitely Hell...did that bitch sign a contract with Lucifer or something?

Since Iowa still felt her power, and she definitely still felt alive, she decided to just wander around and explore the place, hoping to find anyway out of Hell.

Iowa: Well, for starters, there's plenty of dead looking trees. They definitely aren't though, otherwise rot would be presently consuming them

The trek was honestly quite enjoyable for the Abyssal Queen, what with the new environment that was unlike anything she saw on Earth, plus how she caught glimpses of small creatures running and flying around. Whatever this dimension is, Hell is quite a calm experience than what she expected from the underworld.

She saw something that resembled a deer walking through the underbrush, grazing at the red grass while it's fellow member did the same. Just above it, she saw eagle like creatures, each with two sets of eyes, resting on branches and huddling close together, something small squirming between them which was obviously their chick.

Iowa: Beautiful...

She smiled at the world around her, was this really Hell? Why was it so beautiful?

Iowa: I guess even in the darkest of places, life finds a way...


She snapped attention to the area in front of her, where she saw shadows in the trees moving about. Something big was up there obviously, but whatever it was seemed to be moving.

She narrowed her eyes, silently readying a crystal spear in case it lunges at her.


The spot moved again, but this time she saw it's silhouette, and whatever it was, it resembled a human in size and shape.

Iowa: A native? Or maybe it's a resident demon...

She slowly flared her power, making the animals near her seize up and stare as she put her guard up. Eventually, she finally heard something land behind her, so she fired the spear towards the spot.

?: Woah! Be careful there! By the great Satans I nearly lost my hair!


She turned around, coming to meet the man who spoke out to her.

She turned around, coming to meet the man who spoke out to her

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