Physical for the Fighters Pt. 2

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It's me again!

Now that we've gone far enough, and have seen everyone power up in their own ways, we can finally update this listing!

Remember, with the varying abilities the cast now has, this will be hard to list, but I will give my honest beliefs on the scoring from worst to best.

Now let's get on with it!


With the power of the Fall Maiden, Purifier now has mastery over the elements, able to summon the tiniest spark of flame to the brightest and deadliest thunderstorms.

This mastery can also extend to her weaponry, as demonstrated when she created an artificial snowfall for Weiss and Winter. She can apply these effects to her rigging to fire sub zero plasma, or plasma capable of shocking and frying her targets, among other things.

Her usual body is still the same, so no increases in durability or speed.


With the power of the Spin, Z73 has gained many, many perks.

Once started, she can use the spin to increase the power of her blows or her body, allowing her to deal that much more damage with each attack, or strengthen her body to withstand far greater damage than she usually could. As seen, she can also infuse her guns with it, creating a large blast that cleared the sky of clouds with the mere shockwave.

With the Spin, she can even fly, albeit with difficulty and quite poorly.

However, she is only able to use these once she gets the Spin to generate enough power, but this also works in her favor if her opponent is slippery enough. If enough energy is allowed to build before she connects a hit, she is capable of instantly destroying her target, if they are unable to fight back against the raw power.

Quite a substantial upgrade no?


Due to the Imulsion parasite, she was given extreme headaches and pain, culminating in her body undergoing a painful change before it all washed away with her newly changed body.

Now taller, stronger, and definitely more beautiful, her body has finally fully accepted the Wisdom cube, bringing her the full power of what she was meant to have as the H-44. Now fully harnessing her ship's power, she has full access to her ship form, and is able to de-summon her armaments and armor at will.

She is able to skate on water now too, but most importantly comes her new abilities. She is far more agile, far stronger, far tougher, and with a new addition to yet be revealed.

She has simply acquired a general upgrade, but an absolutely major one that changed her from a one woman army to a one woman apocalypse.


Due to the full acceptance of the Dimensional Gap, even if it was reluctant, she has ascended to heights of power she never knew before.

Half of that monstrous power is sealed within Kalypso, but she is still far greater than she once was. Just as Kurfürst, she has received a general upgrade to her already impressive kit.

Now then, as the Primarch of the Abyss, she has such incredible amounts of power that she can casually warp reality to suit her needs. She gains a far cockier attitude in this state, but she is easily able to back that up with the overwhelming power she now has.

Combine that with her unique fighting style with both Swordspear and Greatsword, and Iowa is a major threat at any and all ranges.


Akagi received no major changes, aside from the learning of one new ability: Royal Guard.

Royal Guard grants Akagi with a defensive move against any and all attacks, much like the Devil May Cry counterpart. When struck, she can absorb the power of the move and release it on command, resulting in absolutely devastating attacks that nearly none can withstand.

It is one simple thing, but DMC fans will understand just how major this truly is.

Now to the new rankings:

5: Purifier

Yes, the main character is the weakest of the cast, as despite how effective elemental control can be, her own body and everything relating to it is just as squishy as before. She can dish out immense damage just as before, but yet again she is no where near as tough as the others, and can fall short thanks to that glaring weakness.

4: Kurfürst

A monstrous increase in everything physical for the already physically best?

Usually this would be a far greater ranking by that, but unfortunately, the three ahead of her simply outmatch her through other means.

Kurfürst is no doubt mighty, but unfortunately for her, the top 3's abilities have her outmatched.

Before we continue, I wish to say something.

The top 3 all have incredibly effective ways of killing even the others of the top 3, so the listings here is on order of the most likely to lose to the most likely to survive.

Without further pause:

3: Z73

Quick, speedy, and can one shot you from up close, and at the very least cripple you from afar.

Z73's usage of the Spin is terrifying for any opponent she faces down, as one wrong step can lead to certain doom.

That said, even empowering her body using the Spin, she is still relatively squishy, and has no healing abilities to counter that matter.

She can defeat the other two if she gets a lucky hit, but that is incredibly unlikely.

2: Iowa

Just as before, she is the second strongest, and for roughly the same reason.

She is unbelievably strong, capable of massive and deadly attacks, and with a solid defense on top alongside heavy healing, she is nigh-unstoppable unless properly prepared for her.


1: Akagi

Akagi once again takes the top place, as her skills and abilities are too much for the others to handle once she goes full power.

As seen with Annie, she is capable of slicing someone down to even the subatomic molecules that make them up, rendering them to not even really be the person they were before. This is one of the few ways to truly erase someone, and deny them the chance to regenerate, a perfect counter to Iowa and Purifier.

On top of the near invulnerability in Prime Siren Trigger, plus the unbelievable might of Royal Guard, she maintains her place as the strongest of the main cast.

For now...

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