New Member of the Family

436 22 18

A shower of rubble fell on Kurfürst as she jumped away from a slam by the mother, while the father inched around her and made a B-line to her. She vaulted over the beast's hand and sliced deep into it with her Halberd, making it roar in pain.

As she thought, these beasts were intelligent and used a simple strategy of one attacking, followed by the other going for one to cover the other one's recovery. Obviously, such a strategy would be unbelievably useful against an opponent their size and power...which wasn't the case for Kurfürst.

'I'm both smaller, and more powerful, but I'm more worried of the noise these two are making.' She can see the walls rumble whenever these things roar, and it would only be a matter of time before something came to the sound as well.

She saw the hand of the mother diving towards her, and Kurfürst prepared a counterattack for it. As it nearly hit her, she performed an Aerial cartwheel, dodging the hand and building momentum before she stabbed the Halberd deep into it's wrist.

The beast roared and pulled it's hand away, but Kurfürst's grip on the Halberd was too much, and it only tore it's wound open even more as a fountain of blood rushed out from it's hand. If this thing's anatomy was at least semi similar to humans, she must have cut an artery.

The male ran forward and charged at her, putting all his bulk into a rush that Kurfürst only smirked at. She put away the Halberd and put her hands forward, as the male slammed into her.

It groaned in pain as all the momentum it built stopped immediately, not having moved Kurfürst in the slightest. "My my~, your body is nowhere near as tough as a Berserker's, you're simply bulkier!"

She grabbed it's head, and while it was stunned, she reared a hand back and punched with all the force she could, cracking straight through the beast's skull and jamming her fist in it's brain. It roared in pain from the skull break, but soon went limp as Kurfürst ripped her hand out, taking a chunk of it's brain too.

'This shouldn't be enough, I'll have to make sure...' grabbing her Halberd, she plunged it deep into it's skull, and tore a huge gash across it, effectively ripping the brain apart with the tough edge of her weapon.

Tearing the Halberd out, she took a deep breath and turned her attention back to the female, who was standing over her as she roared in fury at the death of her mate. It went to bite her, but she caught it's jaws in her hands, before she smirked.

"Fine, I suppose since you've already been so loud, I don't need to hold this back...Stance Shift: Weapons Mode!"

Her rigging flashed to life, blue cubes gathering behind her before her massive rigging took full shape. The twin sharks, each one almost the same size as the beast's head, immediately set to work on biting it's neck, resting deep into it.

The female whined in pain, before Kurfürst gave the mental order to her rigging. With the sound of tearing flesh, the beast roared once more before the shark's twisted, snapping it's neck as it finally went slack.

Letting go of their kill, she went back to Armor Mode as the sharks vanished, and she was left alone in the corridor once more. "That...was far easier than I thought it would be."

The two massive corpses would surely feed quite a number of creatures down here, so there's no need to worry about unnecessary death...except the fact that she killed the parents of that baby.

"Well...I suppose it's natural I should now take the child." She walked back into the den, quickly noticing the large amount of blood and brain matter on her. She just blinked and went over to the stream the baby was pushed into earlier, washing herself off quickly and easily thanks to her body naturally bring hydrophobic.

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