Will my Fate be Ready?

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"Purifier!" The first to spring into action was Kurfürst, who already dropped her Halberd and ran towards the quickly weakening Siren.

Depurator lost the strength in her legs, but was caught by Kurfürst and taken to the floor gently. The others soon caught up to speed, getting up and coming over to see the terrible wound.

With a hole straight through her chest, they could see some of the other intervals inside, all pumping and working at full capacity, yet the most important piece was missing. They couldn't find any hint of a Wisdom cube in her chest, meaning that it was ripped out.

"I'll admit..." They all snapped to the dust cloud, seeing another, much taller figure standing up from within. "I never expected that battle to get as hectic as it did, but luckily, I managed to keep cool and think that drastic measure up."

Fool was standing there, fully healed with everything back in place, even her once lost horn back at full length as if it was never gone to begin with. Her wings flapped once, dispersing the dust cloud and leaving the area clear once more.

"That was easily, the single greatest fight I've had in my life! Even my bout with my sister here wasn't so monumental!" She had a huge, almost childlike smile on her face as she held up a glowing white cube.

Depurator's Cube.

Fool placed her free hand on the cube, curling her fingers around it as they slowly began to glow a bright violet. "Now, I do think it's time she came back to herself, instead of sitting with Depurator here."

Her hand began pulling away, and in Kurfürst's grip, Depurator's vacant gaze shrunk to pinpricks, her mouth opening in silent screams as a smaller cube slowly appeared from within her own. Magician's blackened cube was soon resting in Fool's hand, while she carelessly tossed the White cube of Depurator to them.

"Sadly, all good things must come to an end. I made a wager with her, and she lost...now it's time to reap the bounty."

The black cube of her sister vanished, just as Iowa managed to get the White cube back into Depurator's chest. "Dammit...she's completely zoned out."

Kurfürst quickly stood up, seeing the intent to kill in the Arbiter's eyes. "We need to go..."

"Don't even try it, I won't let you get far." Fool's wings blasted outwards, a heavy, dreadful pressure falling onto them as she took to the skies. "You have killed my own, my blood, my sisters! It's only fitting I get some comeuppance!"

They were soon all on their feet, just as the sky slowly began to turn a deep red, drawing their attention to whatever was causing it. Off in the distance, the rising sun was looming over the horizon, and it was far more intense then it usually was, especially at this hour.

No...there was something coming from it...

Akagi's eyes widened, and she quickly stepped in front of Kurfürst and Depurator, drawing Yamato and bracing as a blast of solar energy slammed into her. The light was nearly blinding, but the sound was almost non-existent, and it let them hear something new.

A sharp, high pitched yell of pain from the Siren Hunter.

The light died down, and they saw that Akagi's left arm, the one braced against the blade, had the long sleeve attached to it burned away, her skin reddened and covered in sweltering blisters and other grievous burn wounds. The arm soon hung limp, the Fox woman sucking in breath to resist screaming in pain from the injury.

"There's more where that came from! The Sun always show its power to those beneath it, and through me, I'll allow it to do just that!" The Dragon's hands came down, and they could see dozens more Solar Blasts barreling towards them.

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