Holidays From Azur Lane!

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Purifier: Hm hm hm hm hmmm~...

Walking through the Diner, Purifier was humming Jingle bells as she made sure everything in the building was looking fresh and perfect for the party that was happening soon. The tree was stood tall and green, decorated in lights and even had it's star. Food was cooked and prepared for the guests(thanks Kurfürst), and the security was arranged.

Purifier: Hey! You doing good on your end Akagi?

Akagi was leaning in the corner on a chair, sitting next to an electric fireplace as she leaned her head down and read her book.


Nevermind, she was asleep.

Purifier:*sigh* And the guests are about to arrive...

Hearing footsteps, she turned and saw Iowa walking through the kitchen doors, which had been remodeled for the event as a sort of private room for the special guests...whoever they were, Sharkus wasn't saying.

Iowa: she asleep?

Purifier: Hey, Alpha made that thing good, I feel the heat through the whole building

Iowa walked over to the sleeping Fox, who looked as if she was reading her book, but on closer inspection, was genuinely knocked out. She was going to wake her, but another hand went out infront of her and stopped her.

Yamato: Don't, let me get someone who can wake her

Yamato has manifested from the Katana, and she walked into the kitchen to find the person who could wake her without injury.

Iowa: Well, until she gets back, do you know where Kurfürst went?

Purifier: She's out waiting for the guests to arrive

Iowa: Isn't it cold out there?

Purifier: Very, but that armor of hers is apparently very warm so she didn't mind

Yamato: I'm back!

She walked back through the doors with Remi Setogaya in her arms, who looked a bit annoyed at being carried like a sack of potatoes...again.

Remi: Can you put me down?

Yamato: Sure, she's right over there so do your magic

Remi looked to where she pointed, seeing her wife knocked out in the corner with her book in her lap. She sighed and got closer, leaning in and gently shaking her shoulder.

Akagi's eyes shot open, glowing yellow until she saw who shook her, too which she blinked and had them change back to her usual red.

Akagi: Oh...did I fall asleep?

Remi: You did

Akagi: Ahh, thanks for waking me

She stretched and put her book back in her jacket.

Akagi: So then, did the guests arrive yet?

Purifier: No, but they should be soon

Remi: What about Sharkus? Isn't he going to greet them?

Purifier: He will! Only when the guests arrive will he come over to say hello, as well as take the special guests to the kitchen room if they wish

Akagi: Hey! Look alive! We got Kurfürst coming over with the first guest!

They looked to the outside, where they saw the armored figure of Kurfürst with two people walking behind her. One of them was wearing a large coat while the other was in some sort of bodysuit against the weather.

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