The (Not so) Wonderful Wizard

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Purifier: So what is this thing called again?

She and the girls, who she now knows is called team RWBY(which she finds confusing) are standing back in the airfield, in front of an aircraft designated for them.

Weiss: This is a bullhead. How do you not know that?

Purifier: Well it doesn't matter much when I both live away from the main continents and can fly



She looked at the hyperactive girl and smirked, levitating off the ground as the rest of the team gawked.

Purifier: I never need to take a bullhead if I have energy to spare, but since I don't know where this place is...

She flew into the bullhead as the rest of the team funneled in as well. The doors behind them closed and the bullhead took off into the forest. While they were waiting, Purifier was bombarded with questions by the Kringle.

Ruby: How are you able to fly?

Purifier: All of my species can do that, I'm better than most however

Ruby: Where is your home?

Purifier: Out in the ocean, we live underwater

Ruby: What's it like down there?

Purifier: Blue and black, sometimes red


Ruby: You know what I meant!

Purifier: I do, but I ain't saying anything. We're a secret society for a reason

Ruby: Secret?

Purifier put a finger to her lips and smiled slyly.

Purifier: Secret~

Yang: Alright, that's enough pestering the fish girl

She picked Ruby up and away from the Siren, who let out a breath and stretched in the air.

Purifier: So when we get here, is there a sort of code I should follow? Like "don't run in the halls" or something?

Blake: Just don't cause destruction and everything will be fine

Weiss: You could definitely cover up though, you're revealing so much!

Purifier floated over her and relaxed on a "ledge" looking down at Weiss.

Purifier: No can do snow cone! Sirens, while we can wear longer clothes, can't handle heavy ones unless you're a special case

She quickly waved over her own attire.

Purifier: Believe it it not, most of us just wear a swimsuit, so I'm more covered up than most since I'm wearing an actual shirt


Purifier was wondering what she was staring at, and while the reddening face was something to note, she doesn't know exactly what it is.

Purifier: See something you like?

Weiss: aren't wearing a bra


Weiss: What do you mean "yeah so"?!

She landed on the ground and stared up at the taller girl.

Purifier: I never had the need of one, and the extra support isn't needed either since I'm already tougher than most people

Yang: Really? You're tougher than most you say?

Purifier turned to her, smirking as she saw the look in Yang's eye.

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