An Aquatic and an Avian

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The first thing he remembered after waking up was the little woman he drank with the previous day.

The second thing he remembered was the glorious sight that he was given when she started to fly...that'll never leave him(pervert).

The third thing was him getting his shit kicked in by said woman.

Qrow: And that leads too now...where am I?

He slowly opened his eyes and found the room to be dark, so either he was in a dark room, an alleyway, or the sun wasn't up yet. Even worse is if any of those combine.

Looking around, he found himself on a couch that was standard for Beacon staff as he crashed in their rooms several times when he needed a place to rest.

What caught his attention the most was the huge black and yellow machine floating in the side of the room, with it curled up on itself.

Qrow: Woah, I guess this belongs to the lady huh? I'm guessing she's one of Jimmy's best then...actually, that makes sense with her pale skin

In the machine's bundle, he saw the woman he was thinking about held by it. She was sleeping peacefully and clearly in a pretty deep sleep since she wasn't woken by Qrow's fumbling about.


He took out his scroll and took a picture.

Qrow: She's just like a model...but better than that cause she's on my wavelength, I never met someone who keeps up with my shit

The next moment, he saw the lights on the machine turn on, which also paired with Purifier opening her eyes. In the dark of the room, Qrow could easily see her glowing yellow eyes, and he also could tell she was looking at him now.

Purifier: When did you get up?

Qrow: Just a few minutes ago. You pack a mean punch

Purifier: It's something I'm proud of, and I'm yet to meet many who could still be standing after one

Qrow: Yeah I can tell. I'm definitely gonna try to get on that list

Purifier: Oh? Then I'll just have to hit you harder next time to make sure

Qrow smirked at the challenge, while Purifier responded with a small smile.

Purifier: Welp, before we try to figure out how much it takes to knock you into the earth, we have some duties to fulfill. I have a mission lined up while you...

Qrow: I gave my report already, just waitin' on the next assignment

She nodded and made her way to the kitchen, getting herself a cup of milk to enjoy for the morning.

Purifier: So Qrow, what do you drink in the morning?

Qrow: Usually just some liquor

He whipped out his flask and popped the cap, before the canteen disappeared from his hands.

Qrow: What the-

Purifier: Not today you aren't

He looked over to her, where the shark machine was holding his canteen in it's mouth.

Purifier: You're drinking something else this morning, so go ahead and choose since I don't drink much anyway

Qrow: Alright're acting like a over bearing wife

Purifier: Don't you say that. I'll make sure you don't drink again!

Qrow: I got it! Just...get me coffee if you have any

She smiled and got too work making him some tea.

Purifier: Real quick, what do you want in it?

Qrow: 2 spoons of sugar and creamer

Purifier places the cup of tea in front of Qrow while she sat down across from him with her cup of milk.


Qrow: aren't from around here right?

Purifier: No, and how did you figure that out?

Qrow: Word spreads fast you know?

Purifier:*sigh* Of course it does

She took a sip of milk while Qrow did the same with his tea.

Qrow: Now then, since you're new to the business, I just wanna say that you should be careful out there

Purifier: Hm? Why's that?

Qrow: There's pretty dangerous people out there. The kind that'll have no problems wanting to tear you apart

Purifier: no different than my own normal life

Qrow: N-no, they...these people are worse than that

Purifier: Doubt it, but continue

Qrow: I really can't say much,  it they're pretty dangerous. If you find a hint of them, run...just run


Purifier: Sorry about that Qrow, but that isn't my style

She started to levitate as she put the cup down. Her rigging coiled around her and floated above her back.

Purifier: What's the deadliest thing they did?

Qrow: Confidential, but what I can say is that they could wipe out a city if they wanted to

Purifier: A city? A city?!

Qrow thought the words finally got through to her, but then he saw the grin break out on her face, and he realized that she understood him in another light.

Purifier: Pitiful, just pitiful! I fought someone who is far worse than that, and so far she's the only one who came close to killing me! If this great threat is as "strong" as you say...she might have the siphon on her

Low chuckles echoed through the room as Purifier's golden eyes shined ever so brighter.

Purifier: Oh yes indeed...if they're the target I'm looking for then I'll have some fun~. I'll tear them apart and feed 'em to Mako, maybe broil them until perfection first~

Qrow was feeling his spine shudder as she devolved more and more into her own kind. Thinking smart, he coughed into his hand to get her attention, which snapped her out of her mad thoughts.

Qrow: You, alright?

Purifier: Yes, I guess I forgot to mention to everyone I tend to be psychotic

Qrow: Maybe you shouldn't have left that out hm?

Purifier: Maybe I should have, maybe I shouldn't, all that matters is that you know now and not later when it could be dangerous to be like that


Purifier: Well, while they talk was nice, we both have work to do

Qrow checked the clock, seeing that both the sun was coming up and it was nearly 6:30.

Qrow: Alright, I guess you have a point

Purifier: Good, now let's go

She turned to the door, but stopped before reaching it.

Purifier: Nearly forgot

She reached up to her rigging and let it drop the canteen into her hand, which she tossed to Qrow.

Purifier: Here you go, now get wasted since you have other stuff in that stomach of yours


Qrow: Heh...she's gonna be fun to hang around

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