The Hollow Storm

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She didn't know how much time she actually spent there, nor how much of the Derricks made it past, but if there was one thing Kurfürst found out during her endless slaughter of the Locust, it's that they were without fear as they charged towards her. Of course, there has to be a reason, as they almost seem to be blindly running towards her.

Thankfully, she did find her answer soon after this thought. Her halberd still stuck in a drone nearby, she currently was tearing a drone in half from the waist, her twin sharks slamming and thrashing around as they crushed and ripped apart any drones that were foolish enough to get close.

That's when the began to run away.

For some reason, after all the fighting that she had did, and all the bullets thrown her way, they all systematically turned tail and ran, most with a look of fear now in their faces. She was deeply confused, but more thankful that they even were retreating so she can catch up with the others.

Turning to Eduard, the Brumak handled any drones that did manage to slip past, his hands and feet now having a layer of blood and viscera while his mouth was also bloodied. "Good job keeping them away Eduard, now lets get to the others shall we?"

She walked towards him, but she was met with a massive lick from the beast. "Hey! This isn't the time for affection!"

She looked at him, and saw how bloody his tongue was after his lick. That's when she looked down and noticed that she was drenched head to toe in blood, the fresh ichor dripping from her body still.

"Huh...well, nothing I can do about it now I suppose." She hopped up to Eduard's head, while she pointed towards where the Derricks were traveling towards. The two quickly crossed the landscape, the blood slowly running off of her hydrophobic flesh, but still taking quite a while to do so.

They came across a large expanse of road, with many dead Brumaks and Corpsers, as well as destroyed Assault Derricks, littering the road and roadsides. The journey after her little slaughter still wasn't an easy one it seemed, but hopefully more than before would have made it through thanks to her efforts.


She heard the radio chatter, and quickly cut in and listened. "Hello? Who is this on the other end?"

"Kurfürst! Good thing you got through! Listen, we need help here, we're-FUCK!!-we're pinned down in the town ahead of the last place we saw you. The pumping station is crawling with Locust, and we can't move!"

She nodded, hearing Dom's voice and how urgent it is, plus the gunfire in the background of the comms. "Alright, I'll rush in to find you all. Hold tight cause I'm on my way!"

She cut off the connection, and leapt off of Eduard's head. "Eduard! Run to the town boy, I'll see you soon!"

She rushed ahead, the thundering footsteps of Eduard slowly growing distant as she moved far faster than he could. Of course, she trusted the Brumak, and knew he would find a place to wait for her at.

The closer to the town she grew, the louder the gunfire became as it echoed out and around the town and in turn made it easy to locate the others. She leapt over several barricades, and stopped behind what seemed to be another wall with a currently active shooter...a Troika turret by the sound.

Weird chirping and clicking sounds came from near her, and she looked down to see a strange bug gnawing at her feet. She raised an eyebrow at the cat sized insect, and she picked it up and looked at the weird device attached to it's back.

"What are you? Another weapon of the Locust?" It was clawing and squirming around in her grip, before a flame started to leak out the side.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly threw the bug towards the wall, making the thing explode and take the wall with it. The locust on the gun turned around and looked her in the eyes, before pointing at her and yelling. "Demon!"

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