A Day Beyond the Storm

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The War Still Rages Within - Ending Arc theme

It's been a full month since Z73 and Joseph Joestar were last seen, and by this point, after seeing the eruption from the safety of the shoreline...hope quickly faded away.

A full funeral was arranged for the two of them, with the many people both have met on their journey arriving to pay respects to the two dead souls. Right now, Smokey was placing a Lily at the foot of Z73's tombstone, which rested next to Joseph's.

It read "Sirocco. Born 1917. Dead 1939."

"That recklessness was something that was bound to kill her..." Lisa Lisa off handedly commented her thoughts, but the others knew that was simply how she spoke.

Erina was sitting in a wheelchair, Speedwagon behind her pushing it and making sure she was safe from the falling rain. The man in question wasn't doing much better either, feeling the overwhelming crushing emotions that his best friend's bloodline had ended before he did.

Then, a car rolled up to the funeral, with four passengers inside.

Two occupants left the car, leaving one in the front passenger seat and one in the backseat. They both slowly approached the mourning group, seeing them all quiet as the taller one snuck up behind Erina.

He placed his hands in front of her eyes, before laughing. "Guess who~?"

They all let out small breaths of suspense, before turning to see who spoke up. "Yo everyone! We finally made it back to New York, but no one was there to meet us at the airport. Then we heard you were all at a funeral, and so we searched high and low until we found you here!"

They were still silent, just staring at the man as he spoke. "Lisa Lisa, you look fully healed. Messina, you're here too!"

He looked down at his left hand. "You see, I had my hand cut off, but Sirocco over there made me a new one, yet denied me weapons."

"You really think I trust you with weapons Jojo?" They turned and saw the familiar head of silver hair, plus the ever so sparkling purple eyes.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Two of the parlor workers quickly came over to Joseph, pulling him aside. "This is a funeral you idiot!"

"Idiot?! Who are you calling an idiot?!" Obviously, Joseph wasn't taking the disrespect, and he started to throw around the two guys.

"They were only doing their job Jojo..." Z73 shook her head, looking back to the others. "Anyways, it's been quite a awhile hasn't it? Wasn't easy making a new arm all myself, but the Germans had quite a bit I could...borrow."

She had a metallic appendage on her right arm, identical to the one of her left arm save for no gun cap in the palm. She walked over to Speedwagon, putting a hand out for him to shake. "Robert, I suppose I'm long overdue for that handshake you always seem to have wanted."

"Sirocco...you and Jojo are alive?!"

"Damn right! Now get your hands off me!" Jospeh was done tossing around the two guys, accidentally answering their question without thought. "Wait...alive?"

"H-Hold on a second, what's this all about is being a...live?" He looked to the grave stones, as Z73 also did, seeing the two headstones there for them.

"Huh?! What's my name doing there?! This funeral is for us?!"

Z73 just blinked. 'This makes it my second funeral...also the second one I crashed.'

"Jojo!" They turned to the car, seeing two people walking towards them, one with an umbrella and one with a bouquet.

"Don't go running off in the rain like that, you're still recovering!" Suzie Q was handing the umbrella to Joseph, revealing a ring on her finger.

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