Quite a Welcome

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Rias, as usual, was sitting in her chair behind her desk, with Akeno standing next to her with a tray in her arms. Issei and Kiba were both standing to her other side, while Koneko and Asia were sitting down on one of the couches.

Iowa: I must say, this tea is delicious

Akeno: Thank you for the compliment

Iowa wasn't sitting in any chair they gave her, instead fashioning one of newly formed matter. Yes, she knows that it's supposed to be physically impossible for new matter to be made, but she has a simple fix for that theoretical problem...

She just doesn't give two fucks about it.

Iowa: Now while I am a guest in this place, I'm here for more of an interrogation to find my motives correct?

Rias: You're spot on in that regard. What are you doing here in Kuoh?

Iowa: Nothing much, but I traveled from your territory and this was where the portal ended up. I'm here more on coincidence than anything else

Rias: Then why have you stayed?

Iowa, who originally had both her eyes closed, peeked one open and looked at her with an amused glint in her eye.

Iowa: You pick up quite quick. I'm here as it's a relatively calm place to hunker down as I search for my grand prize, a small object known as the Siphon

Rias: The Siphon?

Iowa: It's not of this plane, and I'm seeking it out to destroy it and prevent it from being used by both it's original party and the one that finds and uses it


Rias: What does this Siphon exactly do?

Iowa: Passively draws in power from the world around it, gathering it for use later. Given a short amount of time, that object can cause quite a bit of destruction in the wrong hands

She let go of the tea cup, and let it float off to the side on a small pink circular platform.

Iowa: Now with my intentions clearly drawn out for you, I presume you wish to know my identity?

Rias: If it wouldn't be a bother

Iowa smiled, revealing both of her bright golden eyes and putting her hand on her chest. She stood up and bowed lightly, both as a sign of respect and as a way of introduction.

Iowa: My name is Iowa, and while you may know that as a state in the United States, it is also my name

Rias: It is strange, but names come in many different varieties...but what about your powers? I've never seen them before

Iowa: That was what I was getting too. I am the Goddess of the void, or rather what I would call it, the Abyss

Rias immediately recoiled, but it was faint and picked up by only Iowa. She was sweating a bit more as well.

Rias: W-well I've heard of many Abyss' in different cultures. Is there one specifically you belong too?

Iowa: Ahh...that's the unique thing about me miss Gremory. I belong to the most ancient and powerful of these Abyss variants

She snapped her finger, revealing her full dress form, with the four floating and sentient "drapes" she has around her waist.

Iowa: I am the Goddess of the great Abyss, or what most would call it, the Dimensional Gap

Rias: T-the what?!

She seemed to pale at the mention of the name, and what Iowa was linked too.

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