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The Final Battle(Phase 2) - ???

An ocean...


That's all there was.

Endless, seamless, flat as a plane, yet vibrant and moving as if shifted by powers greater than it. All around laid nothing but the endless white stars, with many strings of fate and life tying them together.

In the middle of all this...stood her.

Her massive wings spread far apart, glowing ever so graciously in the light of the Heavens, the Heavens of which she created with her own hands. Her eyes were sealed closed, and the waters of the infinite grew closer to her, yearning for her touch, craving her presence.

The stars reflected perfectly in the waves below...or perhaps, the stars were below the waves, and were reflected into the sky? Maybe both were real, and simply looped to the other end of the seemingly never ending abyss, or perhaps neither is real, a mere figment of her mind that knows simply too much for even the physical world to comprehend?

"Such...unending possibilities." Her eyes, red and deep, looked to the stars above that sparkled and shined greater when her eyes passed over each one.

Her hand reached out to the stars, several coming down to her hand and resting upon her flawless palm. They twinkled and shined more brilliant then any gem, and were brighter than any light ever manufactured.

Such raw and unfathomable beauty could only be the works of nature...and hard, unending work and care. To many, these stars were just that, stars, but to the woman holding them in her palm...she knew better.

Within each star, was a secret so vast and powerful, she guarded it with her very existence. Each star was a home to a life, a life that gives birth to more, and soon, it becomes a world.

That world soon finds itself alone, and another is created, and soon even more as they all grow lonely. Before one knows it...a universe is born.

Yes, the secret to the multiverse theory, the secret that many coveted to know for untold years...she knows it all, for who else but the one who caused such things to happen would know?

In fact, the ones she held now were not even notable amongst the endless universes we call "stars". Not to say they weren't important, but in the grand scheme of it all...none of the worlds up there mattered, none but the one that came first.

"My own is the greatest, for we are the first. If it all fades away, I can find solace in knowing my own was the one to begin such a wonderful existence." A rare smile coming to her face, as she rolled around the several universes in her palm, looking into them and seeing what made them up.

In one, she saw a young woman, a shipgirl no less, becoming one of her own kind and leading a rebellion against those she once was with. To think that the girls she knew became the enemies of the world...the multiverse truly can think of anything to surprise you.

Yet another shows another shipgirl, one with many relatives, and going through many hardships to see another day with them. Plots upon ploys, and even her "death" did not stop her from trying...valiant, but foolish all the same.

But is that all their fault?


"No. Those that cannot see the larger picture are not fools." She gently tossed the orbs back to the stars above, returning them to their rightful place among the Heavens. "You cannot tell a man with no eyes to see the paper, you cannot show an illiterate man a story...it must be told to make impact, to enact change."

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