Fine Where the Sun Don't Shine

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I'll be real with you, this is going to be the first and possibly only section of the Sequel that doesn't follow true canon in some way, AoT is confusing and some events that I want to make happen couldn't because of either Akagi's location or the time period she came in.

The differences will be obvious when you see it, but it won't be too major.

Otherwise, enjoy!


Through a dark blue portal, quite different from the others instead being like a diamond instead of a circle, a black boot stepped through the portal, followed by black pants and soon the full person. Their short half jacket covering only their back and down to just below their chest, wearing a sleeveless(not like you could tell with the jacket) and an intricate button up vest.

Her gloves were fingerless, and one held a longer than usual katana that looked pristine and incredibly well kept.

This was the Siren Hunter, IJN Akagi Setogaya.

Akagi: I expected a burning hellscape. This is actually quite beautiful

The portal closed behind her, letting her see the full magnificence of the new world she was in. There was flatland as far as she could see, and that was staggering since there shouldn't be this much free land.

(Yamato): Wow...and all of this is left untouched by people? This is a goldmine of food production and it's just left alone?

Akagi: We don't know why yet, so keep your hopes low incase we're either too far out to deal with contact, or something worse


Akagi: Alright, we need to get moving. I'm not running since I don't want to be seen running at stupid fast speeds and immediately be labeled supernatural

(Strength): You got fox ears though

Akagi: I know, but that's something I can't fix

(Strength): You can always cover them

Akagi: I have pride Strength, I won't hide them

(Strength): Well if you want to, go ahead

Cavaliere R manifested next to her, with a spectral Strength sitting on the back seat of it. Akagi took the handles and throttled, blasting flames out of the exhaust as she rode away from her starting location.

Strength: There's a ridiculous amount of flat land here. I'm surprised it isn't being used as farmland

Akagi: As I said to Yamato, there must be some sort of reason it isn't. Whatever that reason is, don't put your guard down

She put the petal to the metal and zoomed across the land, driving past hills and trees at high speeds that she usually could run past...but keeping low is important.

Strength: Still mystifies me that you can run as fast as you do

Akagi: Aye, but I love driving so I think it's nice to have that option


Akagi: Is it just me, or does the land seem eerily lifeless?

(Yamato): That's what I was thinking! We haven't even seen birds yet!

Akagi:...Strength, get one or both of my guns and hold them ready incase we get attacked

Strength listened, and she grabbed the two pistols holstered at her sides, keeping them in her lap. The ride was still quiet and uneventful, but the fresh air, unlike the air they have back home, is refreshing.

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