Dr. Puri

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While the scene of the bandits worrying over Raven was funny to her, Purifier really needed to get going and find the Siphon. No need to spend more time than necessary right?

Purifier: With that, can you all leave us alone? Just like the big man upstairs said above me?


They were confused, and Raven was as well. She did recover quicker than they did and told them out, leaving both her and Purifier in the tent, staring at each other.

Purifier: So then...any ideas?

Raven: Not really as I said. We haven't seen much out of the ordinary, and since we're always moving about to different places we don't know much if anything at all that it had taken root somewhere we once were at

Purifier:*sigh* Dammit, that makes this so much harder on me...


Purifier: Alright, no point moping about it since that won't get shit done. But before I go, do you want to know how your daughter has been?

Raven: How do you-

Purifier: I work at Beacon, and don't even try to lie, because you and her are more alike than you want to believe

Raven: Hmph, figures...Whatever Yang does isn't of my concern. She's free to do what she believes, even if it's detrimental to her

Purifier: Wow...you sound like a tsundere mother

Raven: I won't accept her as my...wait, what did you call me?!

Purifier: Despite how harsh your words were, you still implied in them that she's free to live as she sees fit, as long as she's enjoying it

Raven: Wha-, I would neve-

Purifier: Shut it Raven, I don't know what happened in the past, but all I can say is that you need some counseling...bad

Purifier stood up, and walked to the tent entrance, stopping once more to look at Raven.

Purifier: There isn't many out there who are going to stick by your side through thick and thin, so why not find that true companionship with those who share your blood, if anything else?


Purifier: I'll leave you to think about that, but I recommend you decide soon Raven. That girl is really trying to find you, and who knows when she'll poke her head in the wrong place and end up a corpse

Raven barely flinched at that, but Purifier knew that meant the words really got under her skin.

Raven: Yang...dead?

Purifier: Yeah, so find her and cherish her, love her as a mother and give her the support she's been missing for so long. Unless you wish to finally hold her hand when it's severed from her body, then find her quick and stick with her...got it?


Purifier said no more, and left the tent. Raven mulled over the words she said, soon realizing that she truly did want to, even if ever so slight, she wanted to see her daughter.

Was this...regret? Is this what it felt like?

No, she'll be fine. Tai should have raised her well enough...but she's at Beacon, so she's soon to go out into the world. Grimm are the least of her worries and...and...


Raven: Purifier, wait!

She ran out of the tent, where she saw Purifier hovering quite high off the ground, clearly mere seconds from taking off and leaving her questions unanswered.

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