Soldier Squared

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Ilse: What kind of mechanical horse is this?!

Akagi: One I spent quite a long time making!

She had Ilse on the bike with her, driving her towards the direction that will lead to where ever Ilse was once at. Akagi asked her how she knew of the direction, and the simple answer was that the river would always lead to the "wall".

Akagi had several questions, and those questions were met with questions of their own, which she solved to the best of her lying ability.

Ilse: How do you not know of the wall? It's Humanities last defense against the Titans!

Akagi: Well, it's because I live out and away from these walls. Those woods I call my home

Ilse: What?! But Titans run amok in there!

Akagi: And as you saw, I can handle them effectively

Ilse went quiet after that statement, and they rode towards her destination in relative peace. Akagi took in the sights around her still, wondering if she could one day take Remi and Keiko(Akagi-Chan's real name) to enjoy a day in these plains...under her supervision of course, can't have a Titan try to eat them.

Ilse was shifting around on the back of the bike, finding it surprisingly comfortable compared to a standard horse, and it moves way faster than one too, with the wind making it surprisingly hard to keep her notes steady and not blow everywhere. Akagi's hair whipped behind her, also hitting Ilse in the face and making it near impossible for her to actually write anything down.

Akagi: So tell me, am I gonna get shot as soon as I get to this wall of yours?

Ilse: Many people are very superstitious, and the way you look...I mean your ears and dress wear, they'll definitely be suspicious or afraid

Akagi: And why aren't you?

Ilse: I was at first, but you saved me and you're even taking me home safe. If anything, when we return, I'll assist in making sure they don't touch you, at least as much as I can provide

Akagi: Works for me Ilse...say, that's definitely it over there is it not?

Akagi leaned her head to the side and let Ilse poke over, seeing the massive white walls that surround the entirety of humanity.

Ilse: Yes that's it! Just a little further!

Nodding to her, Akagi decided to just stop the bike entirely.


Ilse: Uhm...why did you stop?

Akagi: Think about it, a person rides close to the wall on a loud and terrifying machine, what do you think happens next?

Ilse: I...never thought of that

Akagi: You're more "in the moment" aren't you?

Ilse looked away with a small flush of embarrassment, which made Akagi smile. At least she had someone to tease in this new world.

Stepping off the bike, she and Ilse walked up and closer to the Wall, and without Ilse seeing, she desummoned Cavaliere R to keep it out of sight and out of mind. The trek was taking a few minutes, and Ilse seemed quite worried about the Titans showing up...of course Akagi didn't care as they were of no problem too her.

Akagi: So, do you want to yell up?

Ilse: S-sure, I hope they'll see my uniform and get us both up and out of Titan territory

She ran up to just a bit away from the wall, looking up and seeing some of the Garrison regiment sitting over the side and relaxing. They were either shirking their duties, or they were on break, whichever it is though didn't matter.

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