One of Ice

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One pair of heels, and one pair of boots.

Iowa had her arms crossed under her chest, staring on with a passive bitch face at everything that passed her by, not liking the fact she was in a Siren city at all. Z73 was far more adaptable, actually attempting to learn bits of info as they passed by Sirens.

The good news about their appearances is that they had the trademark things that nearly all Sirens do: White hair and glowing eyes. The bad thing is about what Iowa was wearing, making her stand out with how lavish she dressed.

"Any chance you can change to something a little more...down low?"

She looked at Z73 as if she grew a second head. "No, I can't. Rather I won't, for I wouldn't want to have to do such a thing."

"Even if it helps us get moving quicker?"

"Rather it get done and look good then save a few minutes in rags."

Z73 could only sigh with how stubborn this woman was. She said she's a Goddess right? If that's the case, who in their right minds would pray to such a bitch?

Deciding to not worry about it, she continued on as Iowa walked behind her, letting her lead the way towards the Western end of the Palace.
The entire city felt like she was walking through Time Square...except it's literally the entire city.

Electric billboards and signs lit up the place, and even in the low light levels of dawn, the place was still lit up brightly for them all to see. However, the weirdest thing about this place wasn't even how shockingly human it all was, but rather what the Sirens around were like.

'It's seriously like we're still on Earth...' She saw many Sirens groggily moving around, looking flushed without some coffee, and a few that looked exactly like early risers.

They were dressed in a myriad of different clothes and outfits, some matching with backpacks and other assorted things that clearly point to a school. Do Sirens even need school?

"Hey, Iowa."


Z73 pointed at said "school students", who were crossing ahead of them. "Got any ideas on that?"


Once the light on the street turned green, the duo crossed the street, more curious then ever with the fact Sirens were using vehicles instead of flying or sailing, if there was water access in this place that is. The school kids actually pulled out their phones and took a few pictures of them, smiling as they passed.

"What the hell..." Z73 groaned, never one to enjoy the spotlight while Iowa smirked at the attention she received, directly the opposite of the destroyer.

Continuing on, they slowly weaved through the city, the unfamiliar roads and twists delaying them on their path towards the west walls. For Z73, this was a normal thing, always being one to go through unfamiliar places in search of her target, but for Iowa...

"Why is it that I shouldn't just fly us over? Better yet, we can both fly!"

She was whining at the length of the journey, which was fair considering the lazy attitude she always had. Z73 looked over her shoulder at her, seeing how she was just dragging her feet along.

"You're not much of a mover are you?"

"I'd rather get things done with so I can sleep."

"Ah, so you are lazy." She looked forward again, leading them further on through a darker district with...many red lights?

"...Oh I didn't just lead us here."

Iowa looked around, a face of disgust quickly showing. "This will be the second time for me..."

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