Hunting Grounds

630 38 30

?: Hey's been five years

A boy had already recovered and stood back on the walls, glaring with hatred deep down in his heart at the Colossal Titan before him. The Titan never even looked at him, staring into the town as the Titans slowly encroached on the city, ready to eat and devour any person they find.

This was the hard working Eren Yaeger, one of the top cadets who was fresh out of training.

He started running, and that's when he noticed the Titan's eyes move to him, and they almost seemed disdainful. It winded it's massive and muscled arm, before swiping the appendage over the wall, looking to hit and splat Eren across the ground.

With a leap, he avoided the swing and watched as the cannons they were all struggling to move and clean got destroyed in an instant.

Eren: Shit! It's going after the fixed cannons!

While in the air, he looked down at the hole in the wall, seeing Titans slowly walk in from the horizon to enter the city.

Eren: That's clearly no incident either, it deliberately attacks the gate...that thing...

Still in the air, he saw as it's head turned to face him, that same look in it's eyes that he saw while standing on the wall.

Eren: It's sentient!

From the massive cloud of steam, it's hand came out at high speeds to crush Eren like a bug in the deathly grip of such a powerful thing. He was prepared to move out of the way, but felt something wrap around his waist and yank him towards the wall.

Eren: What the?!

?: Hey...

He saw that there was an arm wrapped around him, and when he traced that arm up to the source, there was a woman there with a dark blue outfit on, with a half jacket and strange buttoned up vest. She was nearly face to face with Eren, and despite the situation, he couldn't help but have a slight tint to his cheek seeing how glamorous she was.

?: I need you to sit this one out kid, you aren't a match for that thing

Eren: S-so?! That thing destroyed a town already, and I'm not letting it take down another!

?:...Out for vengeance huh?

Eren: What?

A shadow loomed over them, and Eren saw the massive hand of the Titan coming down towards them at high speeds.

Eren: Dammit, we have to move!



The woman smiled at his panic, and with the hand so close to them, he closed his eyes in preparation to experience death.


Except...did the afterlife always feel so warm?

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the red hand of the Colossal right above them, but stopped completely. He was about to question it, before he was dropped unceremoniously to the floor.

?: Kid, there's many things you need to know, and one of them is about picking your fights right

He looked back at the woman, feeling his eyes slowly widen in disbelief as he saw her left hand on the Titan's, seemingly being the thing that stopped it completely.

Eren: What...h-how...?

?: Sit tight for today, and I'll tell you what you want. For now though?

She pointed down to the city, where people were running and screaming their heads off as they desperately fled to the inner gate.

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