Nightmare of Beacon

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The easiest word to use to describe Beacon right now was a battlefield, and even that was putting it lightly.

What everyone could see, no matter where you looked, was Grimm behind Grimm behind Grimm, never ending pools of them continued swarming and trying to get at all the people that were evacuating, making a great target for the Grimm.

Bullheads were pulling in and dropping off even more of the damn things on higher up places, quickly surrounding as many soldiers and huntsman as possible.

Port: I must admit, I think I would have preferred having some of the students still here to assist in this!

Oobleck: Nonsense!

He torched a Nevermore that strayed too close.

Oobleck: We're doing fine here on our own, just having a bit of a hiccup!

Port:*grunts* I won't hold against that

The duo continued slashing and blasting down the Nevermores that flew around them inside the coliseum, and soon enough, there was only one left.

Port: Bartholomew!

Dr. Oobleck knew what he wanted, and put his club against the ground. Port jumped onto the end of the club, which Oobleck then swung with all his might, sending Port up straight into the Nevermore's path.

Port: Heyyahh!!

He met the beast head on, slashing it in two before landing on the ground, the two halves of the Nevermore disintegrated behind him.

Port: Astounding work Bartholomew! I know for sure this will be told in my classes!

Oobleck: Let us go and rejoin the defense, this is only a small number of them

Port: Of cou-


They both stopped and pulled out their scrolls, seeing an incoming call from Glynda.

Port: Glynda? I'm sure there's a reason you didn't just use comms?

Glynda*phone* The radio system is still down, so I had to use our short range calls to get in contact with you two

Oobleck: What seems to be the issue?*sip*

Glynda:*Phone* It's-there's one to your left!-it's about Purifier! We lost sight of her after she left the coliseum!

Oobleck: What about her?

Glynda:*phone* There's something off about her right now, she seems...evil

Port: Evil? You usually refer only Grimm by that

Glynda:*phones* That's what worries me Peter, whatever happened to her, she isn't careful

She hung up, and the two teachers quickly left the coliseum, off to join the main defense. If they can, they will keep and eye out for Purifier.

However, she wasn't there anymore, and if the large amount of black dust was anything to go by...

She's in the building

It was dark and bleak in the hallways, and it wasn't made much better since the White Fang crawled all about through the halls.

Only minutes before was there sounds of gunfire and footsteps, and Blake knew that. Why have they stopped? The place was so eerily quiet...

Blake: Just...make it to the cafeteria. Yang has to be there...just get to...


Blake: O-oh...what in...

She turned to a hallway, just as dark as the last, and it was times like this where being a faunus had its perks.

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